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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TangoFlaps Posted - 13/08/2015 : 10:05:30

I am from the Stroud area in Gloucestershire and am collecting a hatchling corn at the end of August .
Thanks for all the top advice I have gathered from here already - seems like a friendly, knowledgeable place.
I have a bearded dragon already - about 10yrs old so not entirely new to reps, but a snake and heat mats are a whole new thing for me.


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Posted - 01/09/2015 : 21:12:22
Congrats on your new scaly babies
TangoFlaps Posted - 01/09/2015 : 20:24:20
Errr... They were so gorgeous, couldn't decide and ended up bringing 2 home Never could decide if I preferred the anery or hypo/amel colouration - luckily the wife fell for them big time! and we decided to get a couple. They are settling in now before the whole feeding time thing begins!

Wish us luck....will probably be on after advice soon, but will try to get pics on feeding day.
TangoFlaps Posted - 28/08/2015 : 20:00:04
Getting a bit excited now - picking the new snake up on Monday
Have the choice of e few...

One is an anery with a hint of red outlining saddles.... always been a sucker for the anery.

However there was also mention of sunglows and het motley somethings....

I don't know anymore
Razee Posted - 15/08/2015 : 23:21:49
Welcome to the forum :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 13/08/2015 : 20:45:05
Hi and welcome
ScalySituation Posted - 13/08/2015 : 20:36:22
Helloooo :)
Donnie Posted - 13/08/2015 : 20:25:49
Hello and welcome
gmac Posted - 13/08/2015 : 19:07:33
Welcome along
Misguidance Posted - 13/08/2015 : 15:16:35
Welcome to the forums! :D Look forward to meeting your new little one!
SilverWings Posted - 13/08/2015 : 13:59:17
Welcome, looking forward to seeing pictures of the wee squiggler ^_^

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