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 Aloha from Portsmouth!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Misguidance Posted - 15/06/2015 : 14:11:43
Hi folks!

My name is Steve, and I am a relatively new snake owner- but have been a snake lover since I was 10!

I now own 2 beautiful corn snakes, and one great big angry corn snake:

Princess Opal (2 year old snow corn)
Little Zipper (18month old Anery stripe)
Rambo (big angry 6 year old ghost)

I was recommended this forum by Scottishbluebird, so you can blame her for me being here.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Misguidance Posted - 22/06/2015 : 09:30:40
Originally posted by Razee

Lol, and I can't believe we still haven't had any pics, at least of Princess Opal, who is extremely cute and does deserve a thread in the pictures section ;-)

Well... if you insist....
Quillruke Posted - 21/06/2015 : 14:07:43
Hi there, good to see someone else from Portsmouth here :)
Razee Posted - 20/06/2015 : 22:59:26
Lol, and I can't believe we still haven't had any pics, at least of Princess Opal, who is extremely cute and does deserve a thread in the pictures section ;-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/06/2015 : 20:52:12
Originally posted by Misguidance

Haha, it's awesome to see you all, and to say hi to the people I don't know, too. ;)

hmmmm i invite you over from the dark side and you cause trouble already lol
Misguidance Posted - 20/06/2015 : 11:21:34
Haha, it's awesome to see you all, and to say hi to the people I don't know, too. ;)
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/06/2015 : 21:17:09
Originally posted by gmac

Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by gmac

It is your fault, even your forum title says so

LMAO.....but NO more jaffa cakes for you!!

Are you sure, I can make it worse hahaha

errrr no, jaffa cakes are in the post!
gmac Posted - 19/06/2015 : 20:39:05
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by gmac

It is your fault, even your forum title says so

LMAO.....but NO more jaffa cakes for you!!

Are you sure, I can make it worse hahaha
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/06/2015 : 14:26:58
Originally posted by gmac

It is your fault, even your forum title says so

LMAO.....but NO more jaffa cakes for you!!
ScalySituation Posted - 18/06/2015 : 20:19:49
I want a title!
gmac Posted - 18/06/2015 : 19:29:36
It is your fault, even your forum title says so
scottishbluebird Posted - 17/06/2015 : 23:28:36
Originally posted by gmac

Welcome along, is fine I blame scottishbluebird for everything so all good

Kellog Posted - 17/06/2015 : 21:54:41
Originally posted by gmac

Welcome along, is fine I blame scottishbluebird for everything so all good

Thought it was my iPad that got the blame, G ?

ScalySituation Posted - 17/06/2015 : 19:48:30
Makes a change from picking on me haha
gmac Posted - 17/06/2015 : 19:47:47
Welcome along, is fine I blame scottishbluebird for everything so all good
Charles Posted - 17/06/2015 : 17:21:16
Kellog Posted - 16/06/2015 : 19:01:47
Glad you've joined us, Steve. As Razee has said, we're quieter than we used to be but still fun and friendly . You might find it a bit of a culture shock if you're used to the dark side .

herriotfan Posted - 16/06/2015 : 07:13:28
Hi and welcome.
If you've been rescued from the dark side you may find us just too nice on here!!
Donnie Posted - 15/06/2015 : 20:08:47
Hello and welcome
SilverWings Posted - 15/06/2015 : 18:08:40
'sup, welcome :3
scottishbluebird Posted - 15/06/2015 : 17:35:58
It was Razee too!!
About time you made it here Welcome!..... I made

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