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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pauline Posted - 04/01/2015 : 17:13:01
Hi Everyone, got a new baby corn on 27th December. Been reading lots on here and thought I would say hello. Will post a pic as soon as I figure out how :)
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pauline Posted - 05/01/2015 : 19:14:34
Thanks for the welcome, the forum is fantastic! Great information and seems very friendly. Love looking at everyone's different corn snakes x
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/01/2015 : 16:03:43
Hi and welcome
Wheels Posted - 05/01/2015 : 14:29:18
Welcome to the friendliest forum I know!

Pics are awaited. Got my corn at around 18 months so I do love seeing the teeny ones
Kellog Posted - 05/01/2015 : 09:22:55
Hi Pauline. Welcome to the mad house . You'll have seen what a great forum this is, with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. I'm so glad you've already made use of all the information in preparation for when you got your corn . If you're a Facebook user you can also join our group on there -

If you can't find what you want to know using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite, much . In the top right corner, by the search option, is 'Active topics'. You can use that to access those threads that have been commented on since you last logged in.

Pics are compulsory, of course. Hopefully this will help - How to post images using Photobucket , although it is playing up at the moment . You will need to look at this as well Photobucket update . You can also post pics via Facebook. Select the IMG option (top of box, yellow and looks like a mountain), then just right click on the Facebook photo, select copy URL and add them between the [img] tags. Hopefully that makes sense !

A word of warning, this won't be your last corn....they are addictive .

herriotfan Posted - 05/01/2015 : 08:59:27
Welcome to the forum and addiction!!
coxymk2 Posted - 05/01/2015 : 07:22:34
Hello and welcome
Razee Posted - 04/01/2015 : 21:17:08
Hello and welcome to the forum :-)
Donnie Posted - 04/01/2015 : 20:00:44
Hello and welcome

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