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 Hello! First time snake owner

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hansolo Posted - 30/12/2014 : 10:27:49
Hello :) I am new to snakes and thought it would be useful to join the forum in case I had any questions about things. I will be picking up my snake this friday (here's a picture of him)

He's currently in a faunarium but hopefully I can upgrade him to a nice viv at some point in the next few months.

This will be my first reptile pet and I'm a bit nervous since I'm more used to the likes of guinea pigs and rabbits!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kellog Posted - 05/01/2015 : 09:26:11
I'm glad Basil is in his new home and it definitely sounds as though he's settling in nicely . This first week is so frustrating but definitely worth it.

coxymk2 Posted - 04/01/2015 : 11:39:21
Hello and welcome
Hypo Posted - 04/01/2015 : 00:31:56
Good to know Basil is home safe and sound, he sounds more confident than Emmet who has spent the last few days hiding pretty much all the time. He had his first feed today though, also my first time handling the dead frozen mice, it wasn't as yuk as I thought it might be (although my 10yr old daughter disagreed!) it was fascinating to watch the strike and feed. I'm now on my 2 day wait so I can hold him properly.
hansolo Posted - 03/01/2015 : 23:22:15
We got him home safe and sound (Although we did suffer a tire blow out on the dual carriageway on our way to go pick him up! Luckily the car handled it fairly well) The lady was super nice and showed me her adorable tortoise and chameleon And thankfully the heat matt and thermostat came on the same day as we went to pick him up too so he's nice and warm.

He's such a little character already. We see him sticking his head out of his coconut hide and resting his chin on his branch just checking everything out. I haven't seen him drink yet but I'm sure he has since he's been happily moving around the faun.

After looking through some snake names on here the boyfriend and I have decided on Basil. It just seems to 'suit' him if you get what I mean. And I remembered Basil the film 'The Great Mouse Detective' haha

He seems to be settling in well so far and next Friday I will be able to give him his first feed which I am little nervous about doing (my first time dealing with frozen dead mice you see) But hopefully it will go well
hansolo Posted - 01/01/2015 : 19:14:05
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone

He will be coming in a faunarium (is that spelled properly?) with everything included. But I have had to buy a thermostat, thermometers and heat mat for him and they should hopefully arrive within the next couple of days. Then in the next couple of weeks I am hoping to upgrade him to a small viv
Kellog Posted - 01/01/2015 : 02:33:01
Welcome to the mad house Ellenor . I'm so glad you're doing your research before getting your snake. Have you got his home set up and running nicely?

Please don't hesitate to ask questions. The only silly question is the one not asked.


herriotfan Posted - 31/12/2014 : 09:21:23
Welcome aboard.
Enjoy the 'addiction'
hansolo Posted - 31/12/2014 : 02:07:17
Yeah I'm super excited. Boyfriend is too It's annoying how I have to wait an extra week but hopefully that will let him settle in properly
Hypo Posted - 30/12/2014 : 21:55:24
Hi, I'm also a newbie, picked my first snake up yesterday. I bet you are counting down till Friday. I'm now nervously counting down till mine's first feed on Saturday and then until Tuesday when I can try and hold him
Donnie Posted - 30/12/2014 : 21:18:13
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 30/12/2014 : 15:48:15
Hi and welcome
Really pretty, and no need to be nervous, i doubt you will end up with just the one
hansolo Posted - 30/12/2014 : 14:56:28
Oh I didn't know the picture was so small Was posting from my phone. See if this works.

I am very excited, they seem like very interesting animals. I've been doing weeks of research. I think I've driven my boyfriend a little mad
Wheels Posted - 30/12/2014 : 14:42:53
Welcome, you've come to the right place

You've got a lot of interesting times ahead, had my corn since may and I'm still learning. The first week when they are settling will seem longer than any other week you've had.
gmac Posted - 30/12/2014 : 14:32:03
Welcome along
Razee Posted - 30/12/2014 : 11:48:53
Hello and welcome to the forum, bet you can't wait till friday :-)

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