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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Flame102 Posted - 23/06/2013 : 19:23:55
Hello everybody Im new here but not new to snakes :) I have 2 corn snakes, a carolina named Loki and a fire called Flame. You may already know these as my mum is mort13.

I also have a guinea pig called Oliver, a Leopard Gecho called Leo and a Millipede named Julliett.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackcat Posted - 26/06/2013 : 15:12:47
Hello and welcome
AcidicAngel Posted - 25/06/2013 : 14:34:44
Welcome to The Corn Snake minimort Sorry but I'm loving the nickname! Hehe. I found this thread as I was wondering why you and Mort had the same picture of Loki haha lol. Now I totally understand. A very warm welcome from me and the rest of my family(the scaly ones that is ), my mum and sister like snakes but my mum owns a Bearded Dragon called Mushu instead lol.
smart bunny Posted - 25/06/2013 : 09:54:21
Oh and Flame, your sig makes me laugh - that guinea pig on the end looks like s/he is looking at the snakes and backing away out of the sig lol!
Mort13 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:51:52
Noooooooo!!! Will send you a giant one haha!
gmac Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:25:09
Originally posted by Mort13

Heeheehee, I helped her eat them!

ok could be the first blanket family ban ever hhahahahahahahahahaha
Mort13 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:12:48
Heeheehee, I helped her eat them!

Thanks everyone for giving my daughter such a warm welcome

I'm loving Minimort by the way
gmac Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:08:43
Originally posted by Flame102

Thanks for all the welcomes everybody p.s, I've eaten all the jaffas Gmac :)

whattty what what eh?

wheres mort, this is some serious stuff, one month grounding at least i reckon hahaha.
ScalySituation Posted - 24/06/2013 : 20:36:26
You been practising with the camera? you know we love pics on here, we ask your mum for pics a lot!
mrsbunt Posted - 24/06/2013 : 20:23:43
hi and welcome
smart bunny Posted - 24/06/2013 : 19:36:18

Hiya and welcome to the madhouse

Thanks for all the welcomes everybody p.s, I've eaten all the jaffas Gmac :)

Arrrrgh don't say that, quick, get an ambulance round to gmac, he'll be having a nervous breakdown
Flame102 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 19:20:16
Thanks for all the welcomes everybody p.s, I've eaten all the jaffas Gmac :)
Coal Posted - 24/06/2013 : 08:36:50
Hiya and welcome, I'm also quite new here :)
a33272 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 08:36:26
Hello minimort
gmac Posted - 23/06/2013 : 23:59:04
Welcome along. Now where my jaffas :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/06/2013 : 23:33:41
Hi and welcome lol sorry, but am another who will call you minimort
Razee Posted - 23/06/2013 : 22:31:45
Hello and welcome, Minimort , and to all your animals - especially Oliver!

Callazagy Posted - 23/06/2013 : 22:20:35
Hi & Welcome
kev 5 Posted - 23/06/2013 : 22:09:55
hello and welcome
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 23/06/2013 : 21:40:06
MiniMORT! awesome :P
Redware Posted - 23/06/2013 : 21:30:12
Big welcome Minimort..... I mean flame

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