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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bladesfan4eva Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:47:36
Hi all. Have had a carolina corn (Rocky) for just over 8 months now. It's now 9 half months old. The missus finally gave in after 4 years of bugging her. (she hates snakes) spent weeks (mainly browsing here) to make sure I got things right. I also have a jungle leopard gecko (Izard) and 2 other leopards (Narna and Cussy) can't remember the types of those
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackcat Posted - 26/06/2013 : 15:09:17
Oops - a rather belated welcome
kev 5 Posted - 23/06/2013 : 22:08:30
hello and welcome
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:47:29
Hello and welcome
Callazagy Posted - 23/06/2013 : 19:08:49
Hi & Welcome
Redware Posted - 23/06/2013 : 11:43:34
A massive welcome to you and I'm so sorry about Rocky.
Kellog Posted - 23/06/2013 : 11:31:57
I'm glad you aren't letting what happened to Rocky put you off having another corn . You will also see more corns advertised on our Facebook group, if you're a Facebook person -

So many lovely types out there but I'm sure you'll see one that you'll just fall for, whatever morph it is .

Bladesfan4eva Posted - 23/06/2013 : 11:21:02
Thx kellog ill get another soon. Will look out for the right one. I've seen a ghost het lavender sunkissed ph bloodred that looks amazing. Seen loads of other cool ones. Will keep checking classifieds on here for a while before looking elsewhere
Kellog Posted - 23/06/2013 : 11:05:57
So glad you've joined us Simon, I'm just sorry it's junker these circumstances . I've read your thread in the health section and can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling.

I do hope that your missus let's you get another corn, not to replace Rocky but because you would be a great owner.

twistedmonkey Posted - 23/06/2013 : 10:00:28
Hi and welcome
Okeetee Mick Posted - 23/06/2013 : 09:22:14
Welcome to the forum
Donnie Posted - 23/06/2013 : 07:52:16
Hello and welcome
Bladesfan4eva Posted - 22/06/2013 : 23:32:59
No she still hates it lol
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/06/2013 : 23:09:12
Sounds like a vet is needed, hope all will be well. Did your wife ever come to like the snake?
gmac Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:59:57
health section may be best rather than intro
herriotfan Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:59:17
Hi and welcome
Bladesfan4eva Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:57:56
Thx. Not anytime soon. I think rocky is dying and I joined to ask if neone has a clue wots up with him. Can I post here or is it better posting in a different part
gmac Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:55:13
welcome along
Figs Posted - 22/06/2013 : 22:48:37
Hello and welcome to the whole gang!
Congrats on your little one - how long do you think before you'll get number 2 haha?

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