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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yalovit Posted - 18/06/2013 : 19:06:22
not sure if ive done this right.just want to say hi to all you people who are owned by corn
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kellog Posted - 26/06/2013 : 07:57:55
You become an egg at 50, then a hatchling at 100....but that isn't a reason to do lots of posts !!

scottishbluebird Posted - 23/06/2013 : 23:35:03
um, not sure if its 50 or 100?
yalovit Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:45:56
how many posts do I have to do before I become an egg.dont like being a snake mite lol
Kellog Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:38:03
Sounds like a perfect plan .

yalovit Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:35:22
thanks going to get another corn when min has grown and gone to another viv,so I can use the viv ive got now for the new one.
Coal Posted - 22/06/2013 : 09:32:03
^^ A palmetto is my dream corn :D
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 21/06/2013 : 20:05:44
So true Kellog! i just found out about the palmetto morph! So GORGEOUS! and also so much want! But i cant afford them, nor have space yet. And they are still rare as far as i can read.
Kellog Posted - 21/06/2013 : 19:29:33
I'm SO glad you've made that decision Jason . Just in case you need reassurance that its not a good thing to do, Can my 2 snakes live together? gives good information and facts about cohabiting, rather than just people's opinions and arguments.

Don't rush into getting your next one, especially if you haven't had your first one for long. Take your time getting to know the snake you have and to learn all you can about keeping corns....and deciding which morph you might like next, because there are SO many lovely ones .


yalovit Posted - 21/06/2013 : 15:32:29
ok just the one snake in a viv.dont want them eating each other
Bob101 Posted - 21/06/2013 : 10:49:59
howdy, and welcome :D
Only1Nitro Posted - 21/06/2013 : 08:15:37
i wouldn't recommend viv sharing
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/06/2013 : 00:01:01
Have a read of this on sharing
yalovit Posted - 20/06/2013 : 23:26:58
yes kellog definitely got the bug now.i may get another soon after mine has it ok to put two in the same viv if they are around the same size?
yalovit Posted - 20/06/2013 : 23:20:14
I am an owner slinky,i will post some pics when I work out how to do it as im not very good with computers.
Callazagy Posted - 20/06/2013 : 22:31:59
Hi & Welcome
Blackcat Posted - 19/06/2013 : 21:50:56
Hi and welcome
smart bunny Posted - 19/06/2013 : 16:04:11
Hiya :D
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/06/2013 : 14:53:58
Hi and welcome
twistedmonkey Posted - 19/06/2013 : 09:39:14
Hi and welcome
Moppet Posted - 19/06/2013 : 07:25:51
Hello and welcome to the forum

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