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EmmaGoodman Posted - 26/05/2013 : 20:08:46
Hi everyone I am new, my name is Emma

I am doing a degree in animal science at uni and one day we went to the reptile section at the small animal centre and I held a corn snake there. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and have been desperate to get one ever since.

So since then I have been lurking on this forum, getting tips and finding out what to buy. I have been working more to save up.

So in the next few weeks I will hopefully be the owner of a corn snake.

Just wondering (because I can't find it on the forum anywhere but if it is there I apologise) what age is the youngest to buy a corn snake as I would like a hatchling if I can. And would a small vivarium be okay for now, I've seen one that is used commonly on here by blue lizard reptiles which is the one I would like!

Thank you in advance for any advice and hello! :)
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kellog Posted - 01/06/2013 : 10:04:32
I've seen her Emma and you've chosen brilliantly....she's beautiful .

EmmaGoodman Posted - 31/05/2013 : 20:50:53
Thanks Kellog! We did find a snake in the end, I have uploaded a picture of her!
Kellog Posted - 30/05/2013 : 20:38:55
Not sure Emma. Unfortunately the email service doesn't work so it's hard to contact people directly. A lot of the members of the forum are also members of the Facebook group It's probably easier to contact them on there....and there is also a list of some breeders in the Files section of the group. Personally I know Sexybear (Rachael Simpson) and Herriotfan (Angela Thomas) have hatchlings hatching right now and I would definitely recommend them.

Sorry I can't help more.


Edited to add - Just realised you are already in the group and I've fixed you up with Herriotfan !
EmmaGoodman Posted - 30/05/2013 : 15:37:17
Just another question, how would I go about buying a hatchling from this forum?
Kellog Posted - 29/05/2013 : 09:11:11
That's fantastic Emma . I'm so glad you're getting everything in advance so you new snake's home can be up and running before its bought .

And I'm sure you're driving your parents a kid who can't wait for Christmas Day .

EmmaGoodman Posted - 28/05/2013 : 13:23:06
I have just bought nearly everything for snakey
Should arrive soon then will be getting a snake in about a week/two weeks time.
My parents went to a reputable reptile place the other day and said it is the season for hatchlings and they will get some in in the next week or so, my cousin also bought his snake from there and it is healthy so hopefully all should be fine!

Excitement is not the word
EmmaGoodman Posted - 28/05/2013 : 12:59:48
Thanks Kellog, great help!
Kellog Posted - 28/05/2013 : 08:46:16
Some pet shops do sell frozen mice, as keeping snakes is becoming more popular, and obviously any reptile shops will. Pets at Home do sell them, it's where I get them from, but you have to ask for them as they are usually kept in a freezer out the back. They each come in a little opaque bag, so you can't see what's inside. I think it's so little kids who are looking at the lovely little mice and gerbils for sale don't then see dead mice for sale ! My OH loves going up to the checkout and asking, in a very loud voice, for some frozen mice . People do argue about the quality of them, but I can only go by my experience and I haven't had an issues with them.

You can order online....there are some suggestions of websites in A VERY ROUGH guide to feeding The only issue is that it is cheaper per mouse but when you add on postage and packing its only worth it if you are buying in bulk.

Hope that helps .

mjpeters Posted - 27/05/2013 : 20:49:45
I think there are some places listed in another thread that sell mail order mice-cheaper in packs of 10
EmmaGoodman Posted - 27/05/2013 : 19:43:51
Oh really? Maybe the p@h near me isn't big enough cos their freezers only sell dog food :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 27/05/2013 : 18:47:38
Hi and welcome sorry, i just get my frozen mice from my local reptile shop, i think the mice in p@h are just there in freezers
EmmaGoodman Posted - 27/05/2013 : 17:50:37
Thanks for the warm welcome! :D
I am a bit worried (and I think my mum is too) about getting too addicted to corn snakes :P
Thanks for all the help, just one more question - where is the best place to get frozen mice from? I know pets at home do frozen food but I'm not sure how I go about it, do I just ring up and order?
Razee Posted - 27/05/2013 : 17:10:25
Hello and welcome :-)
Simon74 Posted - 27/05/2013 : 11:52:11
Hello and welcome
Redware Posted - 27/05/2013 : 09:47:55
Hi and welcome. I am already working on the wife to allow me to get a second! Glad you decided to come and join us.
smart bunny Posted - 27/05/2013 : 06:57:16
Hi and welcome - you won't be able to stop at one though... :D
mrsbunt Posted - 26/05/2013 : 22:44:30
hi and welcome
mjpeters Posted - 26/05/2013 : 22:27:13
Welcome!as kellog says its great that you are doing your homework first
Yes corns are addictive,hardly surprising as they are great characters and sooo beautiful.
Most of mine are 'rescues'from folks that didn't do their homework
Its very rewarding to help a 'wreck' blosom into a beauty-they never cease to amaze me.
Good luck with your choosing a baby(or 2?)cant wait to see the pics.
Kellog Posted - 26/05/2013 : 21:49:55
Hi Emma. I'm not at all surprised that when you held that corn snake you fell in love and wanted one of your own , but a won't be able to stop at one because corns are addictive ! As you will have seen from your 'lurking' , this is a great forum with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship .

As you have already browsed the TCS site and forum, you've probably already looked at these threads....but better heard twice than not at all. The best place to start is the Care Sheet, which is helpful. Also have a look at Your 1st snake and as it is a hatchling you want Herriotfan has already directed you to Setting Up A Hatchling Corn Snake - My 101, which is definitely required reading. As you'll have seen, there is a lot of information on viv set-up, feeding, shedding and handling in General Keeping Information - Stickies

As has been said, there are lots of babies hatching now so you shouldn't have a problem getting the little one you want ....maybe even from a forum member . The advantages of doing that is that they will be more than willing to help with advice and support, unfortunately not all breeder are like that . They don't necessarily have to be local to you, as there are some very reputable couriers who are used to dealing with reptiles and can be recommended. When you get your little one, make sure you get as much info as possible on of hatching, shedding and feeding records, etc.

Apologies for the information overload, I'm sure you know all this already . It's great having someone join us who wants to learn as much about their new pet as they can BEFORE they get it ....again, unfortunately it doesn't always happen . If you can't find what you want to know using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite....much !

herriotfan Posted - 26/05/2013 : 21:27:28
Hi and welcome.
I've got a clutch of eggs just hatching and I won't let my little ones go to their new homes until they've shed and had at least 3-4 meals (and poos) with me. This should help regarding a home for a hatchling.
Good luck with getting your little one.

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