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Simon Posted - 19/05/2013 : 09:21:47
Hello all. I have just purchased my first ever snake, his name is Sid and a corn (common I believe). I was told he's 3 this year, and he's about my arms length.I have read and reread this forum for weeks before making sure I had everything right for him. I hope to become a regular on this forum.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vector200066 Posted - 22/06/2013 : 21:19:28
Hi and Welcome to the forum
Kellog Posted - 28/05/2013 : 08:48:26
Yes I am ....and Sid is gorgeous ! I hadn't seen your post on the group until after you mentioned it, as I hadn't been on for a few days.

No need for thanks, it's what we're here for .

Simon Posted - 27/05/2013 : 17:37:31
You're the thermometer lady on facebook and have already met me/Sid Thanks for the advice again Kellog xx
Kellog Posted - 26/05/2013 : 22:06:12
I'm so glad that he is calming down , it does just take time and patience.

Will have a look at the Facebook group so I can put a 'face to a name' soon. There is a way to put pics from Facebook onto here.....something about copying the IMG code, clicking the 'button' with the mountain on the yellow background and pasting....but I could be talking absolute rubbish !!

Simon Posted - 26/05/2013 : 14:03:57
Thanks again Kellog, he has calmed down no end the last few days. If you want to see Sid you'll find him on the facebook group.
Kellog Posted - 24/05/2013 : 11:48:31
Originally posted by Simon

I have just tried the photobucket link Kellog, and it's a bit beyond me .........

When I first had Sid he was very quiet and calm being handled. The last day or so he has come out of his viv like a bullet......Do you think this is down to him wanting his tail over?

I'm not surprised you are finding Photobucket hard.....I've used it for years and still struggle ! I do hope your grandson can help as we can't wait to see pics of Sid .

As for his behaviour, it may be that he is 'wanting his tail over' but the best sign of that would be him being constantly active in his viv, roaming around, trying to escape, rubbing his nose up and down the glass door. It may be that or it may be that he's just getting used to you. The most important thing is for you to remain calm, with slow and steady movements, so that he calms down. They can be a right handful when they want to be, I've just had Kellog out and he was all over the place. When they are like that there isn't much you can do....just enjoy the activity and be ready to catch them when they make their escape attempts down the sofa or behind the chest of drawers .

Moppet Posted - 21/05/2013 : 19:32:35
Hello and welcome to the forum
Simon Posted - 21/05/2013 : 18:56:26
I have just tried the photobucket link Kellog, and it's a bit beyond me . I'll ask my Grandson to do it when he next calls round One question though. When I first had Sid he was very quiet and calm being handled. The last day or so he has come out of his viv like a bullet and you really need 3 hands to handle him. Do you think this is down to him wanting his tail over?
Lisa west lothian Posted - 21/05/2013 : 18:00:23
Hello and welcome
Welshlamb Posted - 21/05/2013 : 08:40:48
Hello Simon and welcome. You'll learn alot here and I'm sure you and your snake will benefit

Look forward to your future posts
Simon74 Posted - 21/05/2013 : 07:43:18
Hello and welcome
mrsbunt Posted - 20/05/2013 : 14:16:14
hiya and welcome
twistedmonkey Posted - 20/05/2013 : 10:26:16
Hi, welcome to the forum
Kellog Posted - 20/05/2013 : 07:44:22
Hi Si. I'm so glad you and Sid have joined us . I'm even more glad that you took so much time doing your research before getting him .

If you can't find what you want to know using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite....much .

Pics of Sid are compulsory, of course . Hopefully this will help - How to post images using Photobucket ....although it is playing up at the moment . There is a way using Facebook but I'm afraid I don't know how .

A word of warning, Sid won't be your last corn....they are addictive .

Simon Posted - 20/05/2013 : 07:09:43
Thanks for the warm welcome everybody
serena_08 Posted - 20/05/2013 : 00:34:26
Ola Seņor!
Callazagy Posted - 19/05/2013 : 23:55:41
Hi & Welcome
Redware Posted - 19/05/2013 : 23:11:16
Hi and welcome along!
Blackcat Posted - 19/05/2013 : 21:09:05
Hi and welcome
carmil07 Posted - 19/05/2013 : 19:07:35
hello and welcome congrats on the new snake.

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