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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dirtyhog Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:16:15
just to say hi to everyone as im new to this forum and to let you know what i have,i dont have many but here we go.
1.0.0 Amelanistic corn female(Angel)
1.0.0 X mums a corn/dads a Bairds rat male(Indigo)
1.0.0 Brazilian rainbow boa female(zippy)
1.0.0 staff bull terrier(patch)
will post some pictures soon.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Callazagy Posted - 30/04/2013 : 23:46:42
Hi & Welcome
Redware Posted - 30/04/2013 : 23:09:05
Hi and welcome along!
Okeetee Mick Posted - 30/04/2013 : 19:03:25
Welcome to the forum
kev 5 Posted - 30/04/2013 : 17:04:10
hello and welcome
mrsbunt Posted - 30/04/2013 : 13:53:05
hi and welcome
carmil07 Posted - 30/04/2013 : 13:41:51
hi, welcome to the forums
Moppet Posted - 30/04/2013 : 13:06:42
Hello and welcome to the forum
Blackcat Posted - 30/04/2013 : 11:44:40
Hello and welcome
You will be made welcome on the sister forum: Rainbow Boa, but it takes longer for replies, as no where near as active as this forum.
herriotfan Posted - 30/04/2013 : 09:09:45
Hi and welcome
Kellog Posted - 30/04/2013 : 05:55:39
Hi Richard. So glad you've joined us. Hopefully you'll find that this is a great forum with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship .

Am looking forward to seeing pics of Angel....and hopefully your other lot in the 'Other Reptiles Photos' section. To find out how to load pics you can look at How to post images using the new Photobucket or you can download pics from Facebook....but I don't have a clue how !

You might like to introduce Zippy to our sister forum The Rainbow Boa . You'd be made very welcome....but not as welcome as you're made here .

Donnie Posted - 29/04/2013 : 22:33:42
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/04/2013 : 22:04:29
Hi and welcome
Simon74 Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:59:55
gmac Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:49:35
welcome along
mjpeters Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:44:09
Welcome to you and all your beasties
ozziesmum Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:22:53
Hi and welcome.
Figs Posted - 29/04/2013 : 21:17:16
Hello and welcome to the whole gang!

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