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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marrie Posted - 27/04/2013 : 13:28:09
I am new here so thoughts say hello to everyone..

just bought my first baby corn snake tomorrow.. don't know how is it gonna go but fingers crossed... and I hope joining here would make my experience easy...

stay safe all...

Marrie x
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marrie Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:29:54
thanks a lot..
yeah going to read em all...

Originally posted by coxymk2

Hello and welcome

Marrie Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:28:04
thanks a lot for the detailed reply... I did read care sheet.. will read the other two as well...
and definitely will ask for help of you guys :) thanks again :)

Originally posted by Kellog

Hi Marrie, it is really good that you have joined us! This is a great forum with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship .. I am not sure how much you know about corn snake keeping, so sorry if I am repeating information you already know....but it is better heard twice than not at all.

I am sure you have already browsed the TCS site and forum, and found that it provides great information. The best place to look, as Herriotfan mentioned, is Care Sheet helpful. Also have a look at Your 1st snake and, as it is a hatchling you are getting, Setting Up A Hatchling Corn Snake - My 101 is definitely required reading.

If you can't find what you need using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask....we don't bite !


Marrie Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:21:46
looking forward to it myself but don't think so he's ready yet :(
Marrie Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:20:11
@mrsbunt no doubt they are always loved them since I wasca kid :)
Marrie Posted - 02/05/2013 : 16:40:41
thanks all for the great response
coxymk2 Posted - 29/04/2013 : 19:22:05
Hello and welcome
Redware Posted - 29/04/2013 : 08:40:10
Hi and welcome.

I just got my first corn to. The links that Kellogg has posted above are super useful, read them all.

Best of luck
Welshlamb Posted - 29/04/2013 : 07:55:07
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/04/2013 : 21:52:47
Hi and welcome
mjpeters Posted - 28/04/2013 : 21:35:43
Hello! I'm quite new here too-they are a wonderful bunch of folks and there is a LOT of good practical help too
Slink Posted - 28/04/2013 : 21:25:15
Hello and welcome
greenow Posted - 28/04/2013 : 00:36:07
Hello and welcome
Callazagy Posted - 27/04/2013 : 19:48:42
Hi & Welcome
Kellog Posted - 27/04/2013 : 19:07:30
Hi Marrie, it is really good that you have joined us! This is a great forum with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship .. I am not sure how much you know about corn snake keeping, so sorry if I am repeating information you already know....but it is better heard twice than not at all.

I am sure you have already browsed the TCS site and forum, and found that it provides great information. The best place to look, as Herriotfan mentioned, is Care Sheet helpful. Also have a look at Your 1st snake and, as it is a hatchling you are getting, Setting Up A Hatchling Corn Snake - My 101 is definitely required reading.

If you can't find what you need using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask....we don't bite !

Mamma Posted - 27/04/2013 : 18:59:12
Okeetee Mick Posted - 27/04/2013 : 17:24:52
Welcome to the forum
Blackcat Posted - 27/04/2013 : 16:43:19
Hi and welcome
Moppet Posted - 27/04/2013 : 16:32:15
Hello and welcome to the forum
Simon74 Posted - 27/04/2013 : 16:07:44
Donnie Posted - 27/04/2013 : 16:05:30
Hello and welcome

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