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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Redware Posted - 25/04/2013 : 17:54:32
Hi All

New to the forums so I just wanted to say hi and a massive thanks to all of you for the posts and stickies on how to look after corns. I am looking to get my first snake in the next few weeks (once work calms down ) and it has been invaluable! Hopefully the last month or two of reading will mean my first snake will be a very happy and healthy one!

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coxymk2 Posted - 29/04/2013 : 19:23:33
Hello and welcome
viraleye Posted - 27/04/2013 : 09:06:09
Hello and welcome to the addiction!
Redware Posted - 27/04/2013 : 06:00:47
Thanks for all your warm welcomes!
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/04/2013 : 14:54:52
Hi and welcome
Kellog Posted - 26/04/2013 : 11:27:05
Hi Ben, it is really good that you have joined us.....after skulking about in the shadows for a while . You'll have seen what a great forum this is, with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship .

It's so good to hear that you're doing all the necessary research before getting your corn . If you can't find what you need to know using the 'search' option, then please don't hesitate to ask questions....the only silly question is the one you don't ask !

Blackcat Posted - 26/04/2013 : 11:00:41
Hello and welcome
Razee Posted - 26/04/2013 : 08:15:33
Hello and welcome to the forum :-)
mrsbunt Posted - 25/04/2013 : 22:54:13
hi and welcome
Moppet Posted - 25/04/2013 : 21:46:01
Hello and welcome to the forum
carmil07 Posted - 25/04/2013 : 21:37:05
Hi and welcome to the forums. Good luck getting your first snake
Welshlamb Posted - 25/04/2013 : 21:10:02
Welcome along Ben
smart bunny Posted - 25/04/2013 : 20:15:50
Hiya :D
ozziesmum Posted - 25/04/2013 : 20:03:52
Hi and welcome
herriotfan Posted - 25/04/2013 : 19:44:41
Hi and welcome.
Great to see you doing research before you get your snake.
Donnie Posted - 25/04/2013 : 19:35:12
Hello and welcome
Callazagy Posted - 25/04/2013 : 19:29:15
Hi & Welcome
Mamma Posted - 25/04/2013 : 18:56:19
kev 5 Posted - 25/04/2013 : 18:49:14
hello and welcome
Okeetee Mick Posted - 25/04/2013 : 18:39:55
Welcome to the forum
Figs Posted - 25/04/2013 : 18:24:29
Hello and welcome

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