T O P I C R E V I E W |
ScalySituation |
Posted - 04/06/2015 : 21:51:15 Hi everyone. So, today, the 4th June is my baby boy Sonny's fourth birthday! Seems like yesterday I was on here asking how to look after him and panicking over the slightest thing.
Not only has Sonny come a long way, but I believe I have too, as a keeper. I know a lot more now and assisted Maggie through laying a clutch of slugs a few weeks ago. The majority of my knowledge is down to you guys, so a very sincere thank you is in order.
Hope all is well, I'm struggling through the last of my exams and body is telling me to stop but I can't!
Night night Lots of love Scaly x |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
ScalySituation |
Posted - 18/06/2015 : 20:28:24 Right, exams all done, he's in blue atm but when he's shed, I'll grab some new shots for y'all |
scottishbluebird |
Posted - 05/06/2015 : 15:36:33  |
Razee |
Posted - 05/06/2015 : 14:41:11 Wey hey, happy birthday, Sonny! When you're finished with all the exams and rested, you'll have post some progression pictures of Sonny - from a tiny bubba to a happy 4 year old ;-)
Good luck with the exams, and hope you're feeling stronger soon. |