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 G let the new member in!!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
scottishbluebird Posted - 25/05/2015 : 20:44:24

She is sneaking in from the Dark Side, let her in before they lock her in a cupboard or something......!!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gmac Posted - 31/05/2015 : 18:20:17
Think so lol, everyone's been approved
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/05/2015 : 16:39:10
Did it work this time?, was tried again
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/05/2015 : 21:07:50
Have sent message to try again.
Thanks G
gmac Posted - 29/05/2015 : 20:36:18
Nobody on waiting forvapproval list. Have them try reregister please
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/05/2015 : 13:18:54
Originally posted by Kellog

Now a small part of me is wishing I frequented the dark side to see what you guys get up to over there .


lol you really should!!
Yes you get the nasty idiots, but there is a lot of nice/crazy people there too!
Kellog Posted - 28/05/2015 : 10:09:10
Now a small part of me is wishing I frequented the dark side to see what you guys get up to over there .

scottishbluebird Posted - 26/05/2015 : 16:30:49
Originally posted by Razee

You said "her " and Misguidance is a "he" ? And you said " lock in a cupboard...." oh... are we all to be stalked from the nearby bushes shortly, by any ?

oops, ok, G, hurry up and let HIM in lol
only stalker sadly seems very quiet just now, and shame that stalker does not have any corns, that would REALLY liven things around here!!
Razee Posted - 26/05/2015 : 07:43:37
You said "her " and Misguidance is a "he" ? And you said " lock in a cupboard...." oh... are we all to be stalked from the nearby bushes shortly, by any ?

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