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 what no to do with your old snake skin!!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tk72 Posted - 26/04/2014 : 16:48:49
My boy tool Colas shed skin to school to show class mates. My wife did a load of washing and when she took it out really shouted at me. My son had only put the skin in his pocket and it's gone through the wash. Now if you think a tissue is bad try a 3ft snake skin in a million pieces. Got told you sort that it's disgusting! It only took an hour and fifty mins to pick it all out of the clothes!!!!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tk72 Posted - 02/05/2014 : 13:09:26
Wife is going ape!! There are scales in all the clean washing and in some of the stuff coming out of the machine. Don't tell her but I'm giggling behind her back. Lol.
Razee Posted - 02/05/2014 : 08:24:59
He might be right - partially - but never admit it ! :-) He took it to school, it's his responsibility to look after it and find a bag for it, lol :-) - Aaand he ows you for picking out all those thousands of scales from clothes! Tee hee.
tk72 Posted - 26/04/2014 : 22:24:10
Originally posted by Vince_the_snake

Wow, I feel bad for laughing! What was his reaction?

His reaction was. "you knew I was taking it to school and you didn't give me a bag" he is right I suppose in a round about way.
Vince_the_snake Posted - 26/04/2014 : 20:32:01
Wow, I feel bad for laughing! What was his reaction?
lupi lou Posted - 26/04/2014 : 19:04:10
oh dear, although it's probably a good job you didn't reply with 'well you should have checked the pockets' I've been in trouble quite a few times for that comment
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/04/2014 : 17:01:02
sorry, but lmao!!! wouldnt be laughing if it was my washing though!!

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