T O P I C R E V I E W |
mark143 |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 16:55:37 Not a happy bunny! Just sat and watched one of the glass doors on my 3 day old VivExotic Vivarium shatter into hundreds of pieces. Nothing was touching the glass and there was no glass lock or wedge of any kind being used. Just wondered if anyone had had similar problems?
19 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Donnie |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 21:03:37 I would use toughened to be honest but I have two rug rats in my house which would be my main reason for it (and toughened in my carpets vivs as they strike hard  |
mark143 |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 21:00:47 Yes has been thoroughly cleaned although the cat found a tiny bit of glass on the carpet with his paw last night! Any ideas what glass to use. Ordinary with rounded edges or toughened with rounded edges? Thanks. |
hillzi |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 20:43:56 That's probably a good idea to be honest mate getting it yourself. Might save time and money in the long run. Still might be good to keep pressuring them to see what they say.
Have you cleaned out the viv for any lingering bits of glass? |
mark143 |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 20:11:25 They're just very vague about how to claim, still dont understand who im supposed to be claiming from, supplier or manufacturer. Im very new to keeping reptiles, this is my first so i just want the viv sorted as quickly as possible. So im getting my own glass cut, at least i can have it all back to normal in a day or two, without having to go through a claims process and waiting for an answer. |
Donnie |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 19:52:40 quote: Originally posted by mark143
Had an email today from the supplier explaining the returns/warranty procedure , quite vague. Looks like i will being getting the glass cut to size myself. I have used them for all of my setup so far aprox £200 but will not be using them again.
I take it then they are not willing to replace it? Try speaking to Hagen (vivexotic) direct and just tell them it broke in transit and see what they say. |
mark143 |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 19:48:20 Had an email today from the supplier explaining the returns/warranty procedure , quite vague. Looks like i will being getting the glass cut to size myself. I have used them for all of my setup so far aprox £200 but will not be using them again. |
Dancross0 |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 19:34:30 Toughened glass does that. Having built aquarium as a living, I've seen bigger sheets go, and they do go!
Vivexotic/Hagen should replace it though! |
Coal |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 11:54:51 Wow, well that's really strange, thank goodness there wasn't a snake in there! Hope you will get a free replacement |
mark143 |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 22:44:55 The glass had been running really smooth. Small bit of play between the runners and the glass. Easy to take out and put back in. Glass literally exploded, sounds dramatic and an exaggeration but that's how it was. Loud bang as it shattered. Most of the glass came outwards, some of it six feet away from the viv. Looked similar to broken door glass on a car. Hope to hear something tomorrow. |
hillzi |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 20:21:35 Re-reading I'm really curious to find out how this happened, I've not heard of any glass exploding and I'm stumped.
Was it precut presumably? Maybe the viv was done up too tight and caused the glass to shatter..? Are there any visible signs of bowing and stress on the viv? How did the glass break, did it just spiderweb and shatter?
Good luck with getting something back from the supplier, let us know. |
scottishbluebird |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 17:06:11 Wow, so not good, just hope snake is ok |
mark143 |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 15:55:58 quote: Originally posted by lupi lou
Don't the viv exotics come with a warranty so I would have thought you'd be able to get it replaced? At least there wasn't a snake in there.
I have contacted the supplier and hope to hear from them tomorrow. |
mark143 |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 15:54:34 quote: Originally posted by Donnie
I have seen it happen in the past with toughened glass and extreme heat, it was a conservatory door glass but that would have been in the sun all day, was you viv in direct sunlight?
My Viv is in the living room and is not in direct sunlight. |
lupi lou |
Posted - 07/07/2013 : 12:21:57 Don't the viv exotics come with a warranty so I would have thought you'd be able to get it replaced? At least there wasn't a snake in there. |
hillzi |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 20:06:25 Try get some perspex mate but you may have to destroy and then repair your viv to put it in.
Although if you could reply to Donnie too we can find out how it happened, in the meantime definitely contact the supplier and the manufacturer. |
Donnie |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 19:40:19 I have seen it happen in the past with toughened glass and extreme heat, it was a conservatory door glass but that would have been in the sun all day, was you viv in direct sunlight? |
ScaryVonHayleystine |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 18:25:35 Jeezo! Have you contacted the supplier about it? Most likely not but they may be ablo to replace it? |
mark143 |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 17:58:18 Hi Lee. Luckly i have not got my Corn yet. Still buying bits and pieces and setting it up. Glass was a nice loose fit but yes it is very hot here (London) today. It literally exploded into hundreds of pieces, no exaggeration! Bits of glass ended up 6 foot across the room. Not Happy. |
Lee |
Posted - 06/07/2013 : 17:33:03 Is the snake ok? The only thing I can think is it hot where you are? Is the glass a tight fit? |