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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marc_sg Posted - 01/11/2012 : 23:54:13
What is everyone asking santa for this year then. Im after a few bit to make my new multi viv. Im gonna have 1x 3ft viv 2x 4ft vivs and a couple of shelves which will be detatchable stacking system. Therefore my tv viv will be up for grabs. Ive got the drawings done just got to put them to action.

So whats ur wishes
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
marc_sg Posted - 02/11/2012 : 19:35:08
Originally posted by Vince_the_snake

Two words on my list Royal and Python!

Ive got another two words to go with them

Vince_the_snake Posted - 02/11/2012 : 16:48:56
Two words on my list Royal and Python!
paulie78 Posted - 02/11/2012 : 14:06:18
Cheers guys wishing everyone has a fantabulous xmas with friends family or howevery they wish to spend their time wether or not they observe xmas i hope u all enjoy the festivities
Figs Posted - 02/11/2012 : 13:54:04
Originally posted by Dalymad2

I am being spoilt although know what it is , wife so excited had to tell me, and wait until 2nd Feb, but will be worth it, I have been booked on a keeper day at Crocodiles of The World, so looking forward to it, best i get very excited wife something more than a cd lol.


I'm flying out to Toronto so my boyfriend isn't lonely for Christmas
...and hopefully a new camera as my trusty video camera pooped out on me a few months back
High five for being poor in 2013!
Dalymad2 Posted - 02/11/2012 : 12:50:18
I am being spoilt although know what it is , wife so excited had to tell me, and wait until 2nd Feb, but will be worth it, I have been booked on a keeper day at Crocodiles of The World, so looking forward to it, best i get very excited wife something more than a cd lol.
ScalySituation Posted - 02/11/2012 : 11:59:54
I'll be happy with anything for the snakes, Wii games would be nice too :)

Callazagy Posted - 02/11/2012 : 10:39:55
Ive already spent all my Christmas money this week, Bought a proper aquarium for my turtles and I'm waiting on a delivery of LED strip lights for most of the vivs, and some other bits and bobs. The family don't no exactly what I want so they just tell me to get whatever, probably spent a bit over what I'm likely to get. The amount of times Ive said I'm going stop spending money on unnecessary things for the animals, but the aquarium does look awesome and the LED's will help, rather than looking for the snakes with a torch.
Isoldael Posted - 02/11/2012 : 10:12:26
We don't really celebrate christmas, but my birthday's a week before christmas. I think I'll ask for some snake-related stuff - hides, decoration, and perhaps a nice photography background I can use for the snakes :)
herriotfan Posted - 02/11/2012 : 09:19:29
Hope you have the Christmas you want this year paulie78.
I haven't got a list but my family know if they get stuff for my animals I'm happy!
marc_sg Posted - 02/11/2012 : 00:46:30
So sorry to hear that really hope u have a better christmas with your friends and family. Makes yiu remember themore important things at christmas
paulie78 Posted - 02/11/2012 : 00:41:28
All i want for xmas this years a nice quiet xmas day spent with my nearest and dearest last xmas was ruined for me my nan passed away on the 23rd (so this year im gonna spend the anniversary at her grave sprucing it all up and making it nice for xmas) and family drama ruined xmas and new year if santas kind enough to bring me a few new books and blu rays ill be a happy chappy

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