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 Could of thumped him

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coxymk2 Posted - 29/10/2012 : 06:39:11
Got a message from a friend of a friend telling me that someone was selling a snake so went to have a look. The poor thing was in a faun that hadn't been cleaned for weeks(8 piles of poo) 1hide that was too small and a water bowl that was filthy. Being kept on a heatmat with no thermometer or stat. Paid the idiot and walked out with him. Put him straight into a clean faun with some bits and bobs I had (a full set up). He's alovely amel just over year old going to call him Boozer. Have got a viv to set up now for my new addition. He came with no feeding,shedding or poo records will start from scratch. Why people buy pets they won't or can't look after beats me!!!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Red123 Posted - 01/11/2012 : 12:18:54
Ah well done, been there done that. Its strange, these snakes are kept in awful conditions yet they seem so gentle when you handle them. You could forgive them for being grumpy but it just never seems in their nature. I guess they know when people are trying to help them.
coxymk2 Posted - 31/10/2012 : 18:46:33
He seems to be happy and is all over his new viv. He's abit on the skinny side but should soon fatten up with regular feeding.
Kath Posted - 31/10/2012 : 12:40:28
Great news that you've rescued him coxymk2, thank goodness for people like u!

Like someone has said already, they don't take much looking after so don't understand how people can neglect them like this.
serena_08 Posted - 30/10/2012 : 20:42:08
Yay for boozer!

Should have gone "oi! Bozo! What's that?" (Point to ceiling, let him check) then grab Boozer and ran away!
nusnakemum Posted - 30/10/2012 : 20:18:13
thank goodness for the good people like you, he will have a great snakey life now
monalisa70 Posted - 30/10/2012 : 19:46:19
Originally posted by Hissyfit

Well done taking him in I would have done the same and paid to get him out of there. I don't understand people who neglect snakes, not like they are difficult to care for

I agree my dog is more hassle than my 7 snakes combined

Glad he's got a loving new home now
Hissyfit Posted - 29/10/2012 : 21:16:44
Well done taking him in I would have done the same and paid to get him out of there. I don't understand people who neglect snakes, not like they are difficult to care for
the iron orchid Posted - 29/10/2012 : 17:52:39
oh poor thing :( glad he's in safe hands now :) and post some pics! haha :)
coxymk2 Posted - 29/10/2012 : 17:04:30
SB I just wanted to get him out of that house and another 5mins and I would of thumped him.
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/10/2012 : 16:34:06
Should really have got him for free, glad poor thing will now be looked after
lupi lou Posted - 29/10/2012 : 15:22:34
some people just shouldnt be allowed to have animals! glad he's now in a home where he will be cared for
Lozzy Posted - 29/10/2012 : 12:20:30
so glad you have him now and he is going to have a better life, good on you
herriotfan Posted - 29/10/2012 : 08:44:25
Makes the blood boil!! Glad you rescued him. I'm sure Boozer will be thinking he's in paradise now.

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