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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScalySituation Posted - 24/10/2012 : 20:10:17
Hi all

So, after vivexotic ditched the old ranges I've been internetting to find other companies, can't find any I like.

I've also decided to get bigger vivs, the new vivs alone will cost me £280 alone at the cheapest I can find, never mind all the new equipment and decor. Don't know how I'm gonna do it.

Rant away people, it's good to vent your feelings.

Love scaly xx
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hissyfit Posted - 27/10/2012 : 15:15:32
You can always get them as birthday & christmas presents
Donnie Posted - 25/10/2012 : 21:33:13
At least you have got time to save the pennies and choose what is best for you
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2012 : 21:29:45
I am aware of the offer but haven't shifted bedroom round and am broke :p
Donnie Posted - 25/10/2012 : 21:28:21
Volly has an offer on at the moment and the 3x2x2 vivs are £55 each. If you want a price for a stack pm him and he will quote you for one. I was going to get a stack from him but I decided that transporting it and if I wanted to move it would be problematic so I am just getting vivs and stacking them.
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2012 : 20:28:34
I found a place that does them for £70 I'm just starting to wonder if getting a stack would be cheaper but I can't find anywhere :p
Red123 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 20:09:54
How about having them made. Terry has made most of my vivs they really are very strong and well made.
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2012 : 19:19:06
Will do next time I'm on :)
Donnie Posted - 25/10/2012 : 18:22:28
Scaly, have a search for Volly on the darkside
lupi lou Posted - 25/10/2012 : 16:34:36
on the plus side at least they are all little worms at the mo, giving you time to save up or improved your DIY skills
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2012 : 12:00:16
Posted on the dark side now, sure whatever numbers I'm given are gonna sting :(
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2012 : 11:11:26
Will have a look later, gotta save some wonga first, might have an ask on the darkside later
Hissyfit Posted - 25/10/2012 : 10:52:00
You might be better finding a local viv builder to make you a stack.
Razee Posted - 24/10/2012 : 23:13:13
I don't know if this would be any help - have you been to the ND vivarium website? Big downside is that they only sell to the shops - I'm lucky my local reptile shop sells the vivs - I've got two and they are very good. They have some standard sizes, but they'll make any size and shape, as they are made to measure, and come made up and sealed already. Might be worth checking, if any of your local shops buy from them. Not as cheap as Vivexotics, but not the most expensive, either, depending on what the shop sells them for. I think the ND website might have a list of the shops that stock the vivs.
Moppet Posted - 24/10/2012 : 22:29:19
Yeah, it's a right pain for them to make something incompatible with the old designs. They will have annoyed a lot of people by doing that, many of whom will start looking elsewhere.

I've had to shell out for four vivs at once when I was planning to spread the cost out over the next 2/3 years as my hatchlings grow up. The new vivs aren't the right size for the space I have and I didn't want to have some of the old and some of the new as they won't stack. I've got three flatpacks under my bed now and a big chunk missing out of my budget. Grrrrrr.
lupi lou Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:50:55
think viv exotic will realise the error of their ways once their sales plumet, or that could be wishfull thinking. Think they have made a big mistake though. hope you find a solution scaly :-)
Donnie Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:28:12
I feel your frustration scaly and I think vivexotic have made some big errors in their new ranges. I could have rushed and bought the 3 off ex48's that I will need for my carpets but for not much more money I have found a guy who will build me 3 off 48"x24"x24" and 3 off 36"x15"x15" and a 36"x15"x21" cabinet for the 3' vivs to sit on (and put my cable box, PS3 etc on) and I had a choice of about 30 different finishes to the melamine not the 3 that vivexotic offer. I will then be selling my 3 off lx36's which will probably more than make up the difference between the ex48's and what I have bought, so it will end up cheaper for me. If only vivexotic had done things differently I wouldn't have had to look elsewhere and they would have kept me as a customer.

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