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 Best bite pics :) :)

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EmSquem Posted - 21/10/2012 : 20:10:40
So I was wondering, since we all love to laugh at each other when we get bitten, if anyone had any good bite pics? I can't say I have any pics as mine have always let go too quickly, but feel free to post
(Should this come with warning so newbies don't get scared off? )
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Laws Posted - 29/10/2012 : 12:08:12

This is a 6 foot boa bite , was disappointed that there was hardly any bruising , however i still have a toth in there somewhere as i can feel it but cant find it . Totally my fault lapse in concentration , oh how we learn lol! got my right in the bend of the finger which made it more painful after

Sta~ple Posted - 28/10/2012 : 16:30:16
Figs, looks like you purposely tried to feed Rumple your fingy lol and he loks very happy about it :p

Misjudged my king, normally can move him out of feeding tub straight away.
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/10/2012 : 16:58:05
lmao Figs i love that finger swallowing pic!! and esp again how you went and got the camera fantastic!!
manda88 Posted - 26/10/2012 : 14:45:40
Jeez I would proper panic if one of mine had the tip of my finger in its gob and started to swallow it haha. When the royal bit me it was just super itchy and red where his teeth were, there was blood at the time but the aftermath was so boring, not even picture worthy once I'd remembered to take pics!
I've found the pic of the hog bite haha, RUBBISH

He didn't inject any venom, I was really looking forward to seeing my finger swell up to like 5 times the normal that weird? He did have a good old chew bless him, could feel his fangs moving along my finger where he was trying to eat it.
Thorne Walker Posted - 26/10/2012 : 14:43:23
lol there is some thing about the fem hands that makes me want to chuckle.. and show these pics to some phobics!
Figs Posted - 26/10/2012 : 13:46:37
Originally posted by manda88

Figs you are BADASS!! I've never been properly bitten by any of my corns, hatchling tags here and there and that's it, but I did get bitten by a friend's adult royal a while ago which HURT. Clamped onto my knuckle and coiled round my whole hand and wrist, and didn't let go for a few minutes, had to prize each tooth out one by one. Unfortunately didn't get a pic was too busy trying not to faint hahaha, what a girl.
I also got bitten by my hoggie a while ago and he tried to eat my little finger, got a pic of that but it's pitiful, I was hoping it'd swell up and stuff, but no! The disappointment!


Royals have 'orrible bites! My Harrison got me back when he was a baby... right in the bendy bit of my thumb! Couldnt move it properly for a couple of months afterwards.
A proper hognose bite sounds nasty! Did he break the skin?

Heres some more too...
Rumpel started it all - she must have spread the word that I taste good!

manda88 Posted - 26/10/2012 : 12:49:38
Figs you are BADASS!! I've never been properly bitten by any of my corns, hatchling tags here and there and that's it, but I did get bitten by a friend's adult royal a while ago which HURT. Clamped onto my knuckle and coiled round my whole hand and wrist, and didn't let go for a few minutes, had to prize each tooth out one by one. Unfortunately didn't get a pic was too busy trying not to faint hahaha, what a girl.
I also got bitten by my hoggie a while ago and he tried to eat my little finger, got a pic of that but it's pitiful, I was hoping it'd swell up and stuff, but no! The disappointment!
Dancross0 Posted - 26/10/2012 : 11:26:51
Originally posted by a33272

Originally posted by Dancross0

Needed amputating. But I managed to walk it off.

Are you still trying to pass that off as a snake bite......

I was savaged by my yearling Anery...
a33272 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 21:38:20
Originally posted by Dancross0

Needed amputating. But I managed to walk it off.

Are you still trying to pass that off as a snake bite......
Red123 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 08:43:55
My sons finger courtesy of Bryan our Honduran milk.

Strangly he now won't hold him an opts to clean his tub everytime. May be something to do with him being the only one who gets bitten by Bryan literally everytime he has held him lol.
Thorne Walker Posted - 25/10/2012 : 00:36:45
lol if I want to end up all bloody I just have to try and bath the cats...

Dancross0 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 23:22:36
Needed amputating. But I managed to walk it off.

Razee Posted - 24/10/2012 : 23:21:14
Oh my, Figs, they must like you taste!
And they look like they're enjoying that, too!
Figs Posted - 24/10/2012 : 22:07:25
Originally posted by ScalySituation

Is the snake in the 5th pic down a goins? it's beautiful

Gilbert is a hypo brooksi king
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/10/2012 : 22:02:21
lol sadly i cant add to this yet! Now if it was a pooped on thread......!
lupi lou Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:52:44
lots of nomming!! ouch
ScalySituation Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:46:19
Is the snake in the 5th pic down a goins? it's beautiful
Donnie Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:33:23
Aww, Figs your snakes love you or at least the taste of you
Figs Posted - 24/10/2012 : 21:31:20
I'm pretty sure everyone has seen these before, but still

EmSquem Posted - 24/10/2012 : 20:48:44
Oh ouch! Haha :)

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