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 MIGHT be getting a king snake this week;D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Emmerz Posted - 19/10/2012 : 17:21:32
so excited hahahah - just thought i'd let you all know;D
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sta~ple Posted - 22/10/2012 : 20:41:20
Originally posted by Emmerz

Convincing them is taking a while-__-
- Do they need the same requirements as a cornsnake?
- Could I put a corn and a king together? Or shall I just put them separately?
If you could help me I would be so grateful:-)

Kings aren't called kings for lolz! They eat nevertheless given the chance! Maybe wait until fully researched, the care is mostly the same, hotter temps is all that's needed. You don't keep anything ever with a king, they aren't called kings for lolz.

Jono2411 Posted - 22/10/2012 : 18:37:29
Haha, I feel sorry for the poor fellow, when I have a daughter I've no doubt that I'm going to find it nigh-on impossible to say no to her...
Emmerz Posted - 22/10/2012 : 18:25:28
it's taking so long to convince dada:(
i bring it up like every sentence;')
he said 'maybe' -_-
pleaseeee hahaha
Jono2411 Posted - 22/10/2012 : 17:52:42
Great choice, I used to own Mexican Black and he was wonderful! Great feeding response, a little aggy sometimes but that was ok because he had buckets of personality!
Definitely don't co-habit them with the same or any other species as they are cannibalistic throughout their life.

Make sure you put some pics up when you get him.
Emmerz Posted - 22/10/2012 : 17:41:08
Thanks guys:-)x
Auld Baldy Posted - 21/10/2012 : 16:46:54
As well as being known as snake eaters, Kings are also cannibals and will even eat each other as soon as they have hatched. A recent post proved it beyond doubt. (I think it was on the King FB)

You should still be able to read the King Care Sheet. Registrations need approved before you can post. Graeme or one of the Admins should get you sorted out soon.
Donnie Posted - 21/10/2012 : 10:27:58
Originally posted by Emmerz

I didn't think you could, I registered yesterday and it needed admin to accept or something? It won't let me log in:(

Gmac is admin over there as well so I am sure he will sort it out for you.
Emmerz Posted - 21/10/2012 : 09:02:45
I didn't think you could, I registered yesterday and it needed admin to accept or something? It won't let me log in:(
Red123 Posted - 21/10/2012 : 08:21:46
Originally posted by Emmerz

Convincing them is taking a while-__-
- Do they need the same requirements as a cornsnake?
- Could I put a corn and a king together? Or shall I just put them separately?
If you could help me I would be so grateful:-)

Crikey don't put them together whatever you do. Kings are known for eating snakes. I would suggest you hop on over to the king snake forum and do some research on king snakes
Emmerz Posted - 21/10/2012 : 08:03:49
Convincing them is taking a while-__-
- Do they need the same requirements as a cornsnake?
- Could I put a corn and a king together? Or shall I just put them separately?
If you could help me I would be so grateful:-)
Mort13 Posted - 20/10/2012 : 14:06:03
Ooh good luck. Kings are fab
Elicia Posted - 20/10/2012 : 13:56:03
Do it! I love my king snakey, soooo different to my corn.x
Okeetee Mick Posted - 20/10/2012 : 10:46:25
Good luck, look forward to pics
Emmerz Posted - 20/10/2012 : 08:24:58
Fingers crossed:-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/10/2012 : 21:31:57
aww look forward to pics
Emmerz Posted - 19/10/2012 : 18:17:14
Goins, saw him last week, sososo cutee omg and to be honest he's an extremely good example of a goins! Trying to convince mama and dada that i need another snake;) haha
Figs Posted - 19/10/2012 : 17:36:43
Wooo! Kings are great fun - crazy crazy!
What species you thinking?

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