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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Figs Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:15:36
I'm trying to place in a competition...
Prize for the top 3 is to become a character in my favourite book series!

Basically, I have to get a lot of views on my post of the authors video for a new book.
Could you guys please please watch (or even just let it run in the background, i just need views lol!) and maybe even pass the link on to your pals?


Free virtual jaffa cakes for all!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Emmerz Posted - 20/10/2012 : 07:23:33
watched, these jaffa cakes are nicee;)
Moppet Posted - 20/10/2012 : 01:25:20
Mmmm Jaffas
Ness Posted - 20/10/2012 : 00:28:22
Just watched, how do I claim my jaffa cakes?
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/10/2012 : 21:30:21
Looks good, but i'll give my jaffa cakes to eeji i am sure he drools over them!
will also view from other laptop too
eeji Posted - 19/10/2012 : 19:13:37
mmmmmmmmm jaffa cakes!
Thorne Walker Posted - 19/10/2012 : 19:10:58
Letting it roll...

A short guy with furry toes vs the end of the world.. I'd swear I saw that movie..

My fav quote about the 'apocalypse to be' came from Nasa:

The calendar on my desk ends at December 31st and I don't think it means the world is going to end
paulie78 Posted - 19/10/2012 : 18:50:01
Watched for the free virtual jaffa cakes now if anyone wants me ill be busy for the foreseeable future designing an ark with triple glazing and a self sustaining heat source thatl last 100 years

Just a thought if what the book predicts is real who wants to waste precious days reading that when they could be living it up somewhere ticking things off their bucket list!

Another thought....Im pretty confident the world isnt gonna end decemeber 13th because the hobbit isnt released in cinemas till the 14th and if those hollywood movie execs arent worried or convinced the worlds gonna end and plan to release the movie after the date set for doomsday then im not worried either though if by some horrendous mishap the world does indeed end and i dont get to see the hobbit gonna be mad!!!
lotabob Posted - 19/10/2012 : 17:56:26
They forgot about the third threat to humanity. The Cowell-dera, when that ego erupts we are all fudged.
Mort13 Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:39:20
Watched. Interested in the book now too!
Figs Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:35:40
Originally posted by Donnie

Is the book any good and is it on kindle?

Thank so much guys!!

I havent read the book in the video yet - the competition is to be in the 'Meg' series. Most of the books are on kindle though i think
Linky link:
Donnie Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:26:52
Is the book any good and is it on kindle?
Freddiesmum Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:24:35
had a look :-) would iy be bad to cheat and look from a different pc to get your views up hehe
Lozzy Posted - 19/10/2012 : 16:20:02
Viewing as i type

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