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 Do they listen ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
coxymk2 Posted - 04/10/2012 : 21:22:06
Have got one lazy snake who looked to be getting a little chubby so last night I warned him if he didn't get a bit more active he was going on a diet. Think he must of been listening he hasn't stopped galloping about for 3hrs lol
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Isoldael Posted - 12/10/2012 : 10:57:49
From what I've heard snakes do have some kind of rudimentary hearing, even through air, but about the same way we hear things under water.
Thorne Walker Posted - 11/10/2012 : 19:54:06
it's not that weird, put your ear to the wall and listen to teh sounds of ppl walking about... that's (basically) snake hearing...

I always talk to my critters, saying hello, chastising, encouraging... I think they get it.

Emmerz Posted - 11/10/2012 : 17:45:15
Originally posted by herriotfan

They're deaf apparently and use vibration to 'hear' with!

I find that rather creepy;')
herriotfan Posted - 11/10/2012 : 16:38:16
They're deaf apparently and use vibration to 'hear' with!
EmSquem Posted - 11/10/2012 : 15:47:45
Originally posted by Isoldael

Nah, snakes don't listen. They just read your mind. I've noticed that when I handle my snakes and I think "pleaaaaase don't poop on me", they always will... :P

So true :S
Isoldael Posted - 05/10/2012 : 09:29:29
Nah, snakes don't listen. They just read your mind. I've noticed that when I handle my snakes and I think "pleaaaaase don't poop on me", they always will... :P

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