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 Almost escaped...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
QueenVic Posted - 02/07/2012 : 17:26:37
So the other night I got home at about 2am, quite drunk and sat watching TV in the living room.
Noticed something under the sofa and at first I thought it was a coat hanger or something, but as I looked it slowly moved back out of sight.

My snakes have never managed to escape before, and their vivs are in the dining room, so I didn't immediately think it was a snake lol! Scared me for a minute til I realised and quickly fished Espher out.

Getting locks soon for on the tanks, and have wedged the doors shut.
I'm a little skeptical though, her viv was open nearly a foot and she's never managed to even open it a little bit before.
So I think my mum or dad have had her out and not shut the door.. Don't want to accuse them of it though lol!!

Anyway, it was very strange and i cant get the image of her peeping out from under the sofa out of my head!

Close call.
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QueenVic Posted - 03/07/2012 : 16:36:17
I know lol, thats what i thought.. It'd just be a snake sized gap i would have thought if shed done it herself.

and Raksha, you should probably fix it so the anacondas cant get out :S
smart bunny Posted - 03/07/2012 : 04:47:32
Hmm, can't really see her going to the effort of opening the door a foot lol! Think you need to have gentle words with your folks!
lupi lou Posted - 02/07/2012 : 20:50:34
that was lucky! i had a close call this morning, when to change 8's water and couldn't see him in his cold end hide so i lifted up the warm end one and no snake! was just starting to panic and getting ready to post a lost snake thread when i noticed him sitting on his log, felt a numpy then .
scottishbluebird Posted - 02/07/2012 : 20:19:58
Very very lucky
Raksha Posted - 02/07/2012 : 20:11:29
My anacondas can get out and I have watched them do it. But the corn not. Yet.
Hissyfit Posted - 02/07/2012 : 19:26:16
Very close call. Glad you noticed her
a2c7 Posted - 02/07/2012 : 18:37:43
I would say when a snake gets out it's nearly always human error...

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