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smart bunny Posted - 29/06/2012 : 14:47:54
Don't laugh!

OK, so we're going to be going to the Norfolk show next weekend on the lookout for a snake for hubby, most likely an anery stripe. I must have read thousands of posts on here by now and written about our anery Corno loads but of course it's all written word so here's my question:

*deep breath*

How do you pronounce anery? Reading it I've always thought of it as 'a-nery' with the a sound being like acorn, but is it actually said more like ann-ery with the a being like in apple? As that's how I assume anerythristic is pronounced...

*feel stupid now*

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
manda88 Posted - 04/07/2012 : 10:07:11
I say ay-mel too, if I say it around non-corn people I get strange looks cos it kinda sounds like something else... haha. To me, saying it like 'camel' sounds weird! It would make more sense that way though seeing as how amelanistic is pronounced, I'm guessing it's not pronounced 'ay-melanistic' anyway!
crazy JJ Posted - 03/07/2012 : 17:29:54
welll they do say there is no such thing as a stupid question here... haha! but still after all that lol ah well least ya kinda know now and think of all the other peoples that wana know but havent got the courage to ask :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 03/07/2012 : 16:15:54
After all that lol, least you were brave enough to ask!
Katie.Dublin Posted - 03/07/2012 : 11:13:33
Could NEVER pluck up the courage to ask this question! hahaha
smart bunny Posted - 03/07/2012 : 10:22:10
lol Figs - not got that much money!!!
Figs Posted - 03/07/2012 : 09:39:48
Originally posted by smart bunny

Well THAT was a total waste of time - have humiliated myself on here and what has hubby done? Gone and changed his mind to a BRB!! *facepalm* I can pronounce THAT one lol!!

it could always be an anery BRB
smart bunny Posted - 03/07/2012 : 04:50:40
Well THAT was a total waste of time - have humiliated myself on here and what has hubby done? Gone and changed his mind to a BRB!! *facepalm* I can pronounce THAT one lol!!
Sta~ple Posted - 01/07/2012 : 08:25:49
Originally posted by lotabob

Everyone knows its pronounced that-blak-wun

That what I do :p
343guiltyspark Posted - 01/07/2012 : 07:09:25
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by a33272

[quote]Originally posted by smart bunny

Doh! *reminder to self - don't tease new mods*

Anyone that toke the **** out of me an my foot take this as a warning. I will get my own back

Eeek i was MADE to do this!

I say ann-ery by the way!

Spreebok Posted - 30/06/2012 : 21:57:09
I think is Ay-Mel, but I've always said it as Ah-Mel, and Anery is Ah-nery. I think it's mostly to do with my Devon accent :U
Raksha Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:52:25
look i said analey on my first attempt at saying it (its a good job the guys at the petstore know me)
so don't be embraced.
Georgina Posted - 30/06/2012 : 08:02:05
I say amel like camel wothout the humps :p
QueenVic Posted - 30/06/2012 : 02:17:00
Originally posted by Georgina

i say it like granary bread without the gr or the bread

Good way of putting it.
Granary corn snake :D

Its funny, someone said about amel, Ive always say it with the a like in apple.. not like how its pronounced in amelanistic..
Georgina Posted - 30/06/2012 : 00:39:43
i say it like granary bread without the gr or the bread
lotabob Posted - 29/06/2012 : 23:51:34
Everyone knows its pronounced that-blak-wun
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/06/2012 : 21:57:27
errrrrrr ummmm have i said what WONDERFUL and KIND mod you are?
(give my love to Bumble)
(and the background IS in Bumble's colours)
a33272 Posted - 29/06/2012 : 20:26:58
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by a33272

[quote]Originally posted by smart bunny

Doh! *reminder to self - don't tease new mods*

Anyone that toke the **** out of me an my foot take this as a warning. I will get my own back

Eeek i was MADE to do this!

I say ann-ery by the way!

crazy JJ Posted - 29/06/2012 : 19:16:49
Lmao love it :D whooo does that remind us of i wonder :D

erm ive never really paid attention to how i say it, but then i keep getting told i talk funny anyway :s
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/06/2012 : 18:43:07
Originally posted by a33272

[quote]Originally posted by smart bunny

Doh! *reminder to self - don't tease new mods*

Anyone that toke the **** out of me an my foot take this as a warning. I will get my own back

Eeek i was MADE to do this!

I say ann-ery by the way!
SexyBear77 Posted - 29/06/2012 : 18:15:45
I say ah-nery and ah-mel, no emphasis on the "a". Though I have met people who say "ay-mel", to me it just sounds odd lol.

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