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 Vegan Snakes?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dancross0 Posted - 26/06/2012 : 13:40:37
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Moppet Posted - 03/07/2012 : 00:37:37
!!! Stupid people. Makes me ashamed to be a veggie (well, technically a pescy but people tend to laugh when I say that...).

I own a dog, rats and a snake and they all eat meat (the rats less often than dog and snake obviously).

I don't agree with forcing your own opinions/lifestyle on other people and trying to do it to pets is just cruel imo. If you are not prepared to feed an animal meat, don't get a carnivore as a pet!
lotabob Posted - 01/07/2012 : 22:20:46
It wasn't a suggestion to merely put an animal down, that wasn't the point being made. They were feeding a snake a diet that was unnatural and would have killed it eventually, by the thinking of the thread to save the life of mice the snake would have to die either quickly or prolonged with a incorrect diet.
Luk_Fen Posted - 01/07/2012 : 21:35:29
It makes me cringe to think that someone would suggest putting a snake down for the simple, unchangeable fact that they can only eat mice :(
Snakes don't have morals, they have inscint. It is wrong to force an unnatural concept on an innocent animal - weather it be a snake, dog, cat ect...
SexyBear77 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 20:48:10
Totally agree, if you can't bear to feed a carnivorous or omnivorous animal the correct diet for its needs due to a lifestyle choice that makes it immoral in your opinion, then rehome it to someone who can, don't keep it and be selfish.
Katie.Dublin Posted - 01/07/2012 : 20:32:36
Originally posted by lotabob

Hmmm you see this all over the place, people with 'opinions' and 'beliefs' that they are far too eager to convert the world to. I personally am a realist lol, stuff eats stuff, that is all, its been evolving in that direction for 3.8 BILLION years, its a circle of life (Thank Elton for that one) and 1 person thinking that eating things that have only fallen off trees etc is not going to change the way things have been for well 3.8 billion years is a very long time.

What a lot of these people dont understand is that if we didn't cook and eat meat we would not have evolved such intelligent brains to be able to ponder the plight of plants and animals that they now dont want to eat lol.

rubi Posted - 01/07/2012 : 20:26:30
tha was cartainly an interesting conversation, what i dont understand is why it was either feed it mice, feed it tofu (and kill it) or have it put down..whay was rehoming not an option? surely thats the obvious one. anyone who would suggest putting an animal down just because of what it eats in my opinion is a complete a*** I have nothign against vegans and can udnerstnad there views but surely the world would not survive without carnovorous animals wed be overrun with insects, rabbits mice etc.
SexyBear77 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 14:26:47
Why do these threads always have to turn into vegan/veggie bashing fests? Yes, a lot of vegans/vegetarians are thick, and take things far too far, but we are not all like it, just the same as all meat eaters aren't heartless immoral murderers of cute fluffy animals....

Sta~ple, some vegans believe that keeping a pet that eats animals/animal products doesn't fit with their moral code because it means they have to support (in some way) an industry they don't agree with. I can understand that, but would rather they just didn't get those pets in the first place as I feel forcing a veggie/vegan diet on another animal is wrong.

Redshift, your post makes no sense- carrots aren't sentient beings, corn on the cob cannot suffer and most animals can. Even fish.

I just wish people didn't feel the need to belittle other people's lifestyle choices just because it's different from theirs. I don't do it about people's religions, dietary habits, lifestyle choices etc etc, but whenever I see a post about vegetarians/vegans it seems to be acceptable to "LOL" about it all the day long.

(And for the record, I find the whole vegan snake thread ridiculous and cringeworthy)
Okeetee Mick Posted - 01/07/2012 : 13:45:12
oakleyman18 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 10:17:41
Wow.. I wasn't expecting that read to be so enraging!! How can some people justify that can of behaviour!? Their logic is totally flawed. I'm all for people eating what they want to eat, everyone's entitled to their own beliefs..

But to suggest snakes are omnivore... REALLY?

And for people that are against killing animals, to kill an animal seems incredibly hypocritical. A world without carnivors or omnivors would end. Full stop.
343guiltyspark Posted - 01/07/2012 : 09:14:38
If someone's a vegetarian, they shouldn't get a pet that isn't and then feed it a bad diet!
Sta~ple Posted - 01/07/2012 : 08:33:22
I wonder how or if they know the mobile device/computer they used to type on contains a small about of animal oil... and credit cards made from cows.
lotabob Posted - 28/06/2012 : 21:20:12
Hmmm you see this all over the place, people with 'opinions' and 'beliefs' that they are far too eager to convert the world to. I personally am a realist lol, stuff eats stuff, that is all, its been evolving in that direction for 3.8 BILLION years, its a circle of life (Thank Elton for that one) and 1 person thinking that eating things that have only fallen off trees etc is not going to change the way things have been for well 3.8 billion years is a very long time.

What a lot of these people dont understand is that if we didn't cook and eat meat we would not have evolved such intelligent brains to be able to ponder the plight of plants and animals that they now dont want to eat lol.
Isoldael Posted - 28/06/2012 : 19:52:43
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at this
Redshift Spec Posted - 28/06/2012 : 19:01:57
I bet those Vegans wear leather in some way shape or form. Vegans are hypocrites most of the time. Who is to say that eating one life form other another is wright or wrong? Is it any worse killing a carrot for your dinner than a cow? Both lived, had the ability to generate energy for itself and had the ability to reproduce. So why is it acceptable to eat a carrot but not a nice steak? If it is about the conditions in which the animal is grown and farmed then the same could be said about 'battery farmed corn' :p
Spreebok Posted - 27/06/2012 : 23:35:27
I don't think snakes even have the enzymes in their stomach acids to digest plant matter, do they? I mean, I would have thought any food in the rodents stomach would just get pooped out, not 'absorbed' and therefore giving those wackjobs some sort of hope of vegan snakes xD
paulie78 Posted - 27/06/2012 : 22:43:51
Originally posted by eeji


that is all

I was thinking exactly the same ..can we not remove theese people from the gene pool ?.. i mean i really cant get my head around them are they really that stupid and do they honestly believe its kinder to put an animal to sleep because it doesnt quite fit into their moral code ugh im soooo not going to give this any more thought!
eeji Posted - 27/06/2012 : 21:03:03

that is all
lupi lou Posted - 27/06/2012 : 17:22:55
Originally posted by Katie.Dublin

Originally posted by Dancross0

To be fair, the topic creator admits to being an Animal Rights sort, so they're probably a few (ham) sandwiches short of a picnic...

haha high 5 for that one! Animal rights is all well and good but when i see Peta giving out about Obama swatting a fly during that interview it make sme laugh!

ohh don't even get me started with peta!!!
Spreebok Posted - 27/06/2012 : 13:51:03
Brb Lol'ing forever.
Katie.Dublin Posted - 27/06/2012 : 11:53:55
Originally posted by Dancross0

To be fair, the topic creator admits to being an Animal Rights sort, so they're probably a few (ham) sandwiches short of a picnic...

haha high 5 for that one! Animal rights is all well and good but when i see Peta giving out about Obama swatting a fly during that interview it make sme laugh!

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