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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lupi lou Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:21:27
so once again i missed a shed by seconds, because i was trying to get a mouse off the spaniel!!

she's been spending alot of timein one corner of the garden of late and tonight she came in just after we'd finished our tea, noming somthing which on closer inspection turned out to be a mouse!

she then shot off upstairs hid under the bed and droped mousie on my carpet ( i've only just got the marks out from the pinkie incident!) did eventually get it off her after she'd finished parading around the house with it hanging out of her mouth. delightful animal, she now back in her 'corner' hoping to catch some more.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cwblush Posted - 27/06/2012 : 18:15:28
Goodness i have a whole new respect for my neurotic dog now!
Only thing she chases are flies and bee's.
Many a summer afternoon l've been lying in the garden only to be run over by the lovely big gsd trying to catch them?!
lupi lou Posted - 26/06/2012 : 20:48:03
ooppps sorry nothing spagetti based i hope
smart bunny Posted - 26/06/2012 : 19:18:58
Arrgh Lupi - I WAS eating!
lupi lou Posted - 26/06/2012 : 17:56:56
see thats were lupi's grossness contiues as if she finds a worm she rolls in it and mushes it into her ears and neck fluff
ScalySituation Posted - 26/06/2012 : 16:11:08
the only things he brings in are bees, flies and earthworms :P
Blackcat Posted - 26/06/2012 : 15:34:57
My JRT cross catches rats and rabbits and I have even seen her corner a mouse but she didn't get it as I removed her from the scene.
My cat catches rats and brings them home for the dog to finish off.
My sister's Parsons Russell catches squirrels and works as a 'team' with their cat to catch rats.
The only thing my JRT has run away from yelping is the electric fence round the chicken pen to keep Mr fox out - poor thing wont go near the place anymore and waits trembling half way across the field.

@ Scaly - don't worry about Angus not catching things, I'd rather not find entrails left on my kitchen floor. I much preferred my original cats that only ever brought home moths and butterflies
ScalySituation Posted - 26/06/2012 : 14:48:34
sounds like your dogs make better cats than my cat does!
lupi lou Posted - 26/06/2012 : 14:32:16
lotabob your dog is serious brave taking on a ferrel cat!! i seen scars that my friend got from his domestic cat! lupi's a little blood thirsty for a gun dog breed, given half a chance she'd have the hamster and the snakes! i've lost count of how many times she's caught rabbits and mice when we've been at the stables.
Lozzy Posted - 26/06/2012 : 11:31:35
Lol smartbunny my dog is mixed up in so many ways lol xx
smart bunny Posted - 26/06/2012 : 11:28:20
Lol some of these stories are hilarious - especially your Lozzy!!!!
Lozzy Posted - 26/06/2012 : 10:35:33
Originally posted by lotabob

Originally posted by kev 5

lol, never heard of a dog catching mice

Many terrier type dogs are known as rat catchers, specially anything with Jack Russell in its genes. My dog makes a great rat catcher, only there are no rats round here, the pigeons need to keep an eye on him though and squirrels and anything else that needs to get at least 6 foot off the ground to be out of his way, he has actually brought down a ferrel cat, luckily I spotted he'd grabbed it and he is trained to a word and let go, the cat ran off but seemed totally fine. Its weird how you can domesticate an animal but their instinct never goes away its our training that overrules it.

Lol Erm my dog is a jack Russell and bless him just the other week went down a rabbit hole the poor thing got chased halfway across a a rabbit lol bless him yelping and everything, tho I think he thinks he's a human rather than what's suppose to be a rat catcher! Silly doggy!
kdlang Posted - 26/06/2012 : 08:48:13
One of my foster dogs ran off with a bag of defrosting mice once. I was outside talking to my neighbour when the dog ran out and pranced around the garden waving something around in his mouth. Then I suddenly remembered that I had bags of mice defrosting on the side in the kitchen, only one of the bags was now being thrown around by the woofter. Little thief.
Auld Baldy Posted - 26/06/2012 : 00:37:26
My border collie was great at catching rats from the railway sidings which backed onto nearby wasteland, ie his playground. Some that he brought back were evil looking monstrous things.
lotabob Posted - 25/06/2012 : 23:19:10
Originally posted by kev 5

lol, never heard of a dog catching mice

Many terrier type dogs are known as rat catchers, specially anything with Jack Russell in its genes. My dog makes a great rat catcher, only there are no rats round here, the pigeons need to keep an eye on him though and squirrels and anything else that needs to get at least 6 foot off the ground to be out of his way, he has actually brought down a ferrel cat, luckily I spotted he'd grabbed it and he is trained to a word and let go, the cat ran off but seemed totally fine. Its weird how you can domesticate an animal but their instinct never goes away its our training that overrules it.
scottishbluebird Posted - 25/06/2012 : 23:05:48
lmao fantastic!
kev 5 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 22:54:43
lol, never heard of a dog catching mice
lotabob Posted - 25/06/2012 : 22:51:42
Glad I'm not the only one with a mouse eating dog. Hal's pinkie went missing on Sunday and my dog slinked off like he knew he was in trouble before I even noticed it was gone, in fact him slinking off led me to look for what he had done. Got to love dogs.
Dancross0 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 22:49:24
Nice. I've got a live mouse hiding behind Plisskens tank that the cat bought in and let escape...
voodoo Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:23:07
haha Ive never heard of a dog catching mice, thats awesome! maybe shes trying to feed your snake ;)

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