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 Feeding/mouse help...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lacefrillsandlipstick Posted - 22/06/2012 : 21:52:08
Hey so this is a very random question but during feeding tonight something disgusting happened.
I leave the mice thawing for a few hours etc and just before feeding pop them on some kitchen roll onto the radiator to warm them a bit for the snakes but today as Ice has struck hers she has missed and bit its she has got it she has literally taken a chunk out of its side and its bled everywhere... (she is a big striker and has bin since a hatchling and tends to reallllllyy strike at them and give them a good squeeze)
I'm not sure if its just because i have bought these few mice from a new place (big superstore not my local reptile shop) and that they are a bit ore 'flimsy' than the others,
but has anyone had this happen before...
I know its not the end of the world as she has still taken it but it was just a bit graphic for me ( which i should expect really feeding mice to snakes).
My other snakes aren't as aggressive when taking their food as Ice is but its just never happened before and was a bit shocking...
I have pictures just incase i'm not making sense but they are a bit graphic but thought i would take one to show you if i weren't great at explaining it.
I bet i sound crazy! but it wasn't a nice tea time anyways!
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Elicia Posted - 23/06/2012 : 00:07:10
I gave Percy her first small mouse yesterday and she did exactly the same :( she squeezed it that much it sort of 'popped' my OH was shouting "look look" but I had to go out of the room ha ha. x
Lacefrillsandlipstick Posted - 22/06/2012 : 22:13:05
oki thank you - she is probably just getting stronger as she grows...she is only on fuzzies yet so she is just a strong girly i'm guessing :) vicious little snakey!
ted89 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 22:03:31
one of my snakes is a vicious striker he takes chunks out of the mice quite often usually because i spin the mouse slightly to get his attention with it, i have tryed a few local stores and i prefer getting my mice from pets at home, theyre usually always really good :) i wouldn't worry about it!
Lacefrillsandlipstick Posted - 22/06/2012 : 21:59:57
she has now pooped straight after feeding :S

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