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 Think the Snake and Cat have been talking!

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Lord Davo Posted - 22/06/2012 : 11:31:41
Think the Conan the snake has convinced the cat to catch him some food, he isn't liking the diet lol!

Woke up this morning and had to chase the bloody thing round the house for an hour, the dog caught it before we did so it's still a bit damp.

Will be released when it's dried out a bit and it's little heart slows down enough

19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cornsnakeluver127 Posted - 24/06/2012 : 15:00:06
My snakes called conan :) but he is Missing right now :( x
lotabob Posted - 23/06/2012 : 21:01:03
My colleague at work has a cat that only ever brings back squirrels, or half squirrels. At least the cat is eating them though.
Elicia Posted - 23/06/2012 : 19:13:48
My cats a right wuss! She only ever brings in big leaves or bus tickets and bits of paper!
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/06/2012 : 16:10:48
I was a bit luckier, my cat just left body parts on the path, better than in house!
Least your cats think they are trying to save you money with the mice, dont know they carry disease!
Dancross0 Posted - 23/06/2012 : 12:39:59
I have the same problem. My cat hunts and brings in mice and birds all the time, although he got out of the habit of chewing their heads off. I've lost count of all the mice I've released, as he tends to play with these without killing them quickly.

Birds on the other hand always end up dead, and the feathers all over the dining room floor...
Blackcat Posted - 23/06/2012 : 12:26:20
Poor Mr Jingles(the 2nd), hope he does make a recovery.
My cat is forever bringing home mice, birds and rats as offerings, usually dead on arrival.
He did however bring a live young rat home once and let it go in the living room - I was not too pleased!
MrsDavo Posted - 23/06/2012 : 12:20:22
Hey Karen, lovely to meet you yesterday!

Unfortunately on checking on Mr Jingles (the second) today I don't think he is going to make it. Poor little guy, gave him some food/water and a place to keep warm. :-(
kdlang Posted - 23/06/2012 : 11:52:23
Awwww they are just wanting to provide for poor half-starved Conan lol
MrsDavo Posted - 23/06/2012 : 10:57:26
We let this little fella go yesterday after a bit of recovery time, some warmth and water.

But last night at around 9pm, Our other cat brought in another one! It was definitely a different one as the tail was slightly different (first one looked as if it had lost a bit of it's tail at some point ) so I rescued that one from the clutches of Mamma puss!

Kept it warm overnight and will let it go in a bit further away from the house. I'm wondering if the cats have found a nest or something?
Red123 Posted - 23/06/2012 : 06:44:45
Glad my cats are not the only ones that bring live mice in. Like you say they are a bugger to catch. Birds slightly easier to catch, its just all the feathers that are annoying with them.
Elicia Posted - 23/06/2012 : 00:00:50
ahhh thats so sweet, poor little thing might die from shock. have you got a spare heatmat to keep it warm? x
coxymk2 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 23:48:41
The cat was winding the snake up, a meals on wheels type joke
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/06/2012 : 23:13:15
lol poor little cutie
smart bunny Posted - 22/06/2012 : 15:58:09
Lol poor little mousie - a cat in 1 direction and a snake in the other!!
kev 5 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 15:04:14
Lord Davo Posted - 22/06/2012 : 14:32:57
Originally posted by Auld Baldy

Kris, can you resize your images down to about 800 pixels wide. The full resolution images cause the screen page to to iMax size and make for a lot of side scrolling.

All images resized, will do it in future before I post em :-)
Auld Baldy Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:33:22
Poor wee tim'rous beastie....

Kris, can you resize your images down to about 800 pixels wide. The full resolution images cause the screen page to to iMax size and make for a lot of side scrolling.
lupi lou Posted - 22/06/2012 : 11:50:08
hehe i like conans thinking! poor mr jingles
ScalySituation Posted - 22/06/2012 : 11:34:06
aww they've been in cahoots!!

just for the sake of it i believe its a wood mouse :P

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