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 defrosted mice

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Roffe Posted - 22/06/2012 : 11:29:48
is it okay to freeze mice again that have been defrosted? i bought some pinkies online, and i got them this morning, and they were sent yesterday afternoon. they were sent in a thermobox of styrofoam. they were still cold, but defrosted....
of courser i put them in the freezer as soon as i got them, but if i have too, i'll throw them away
another thing, they are much smaller than the ones i already had. does this matter when i feed snakey? will one be enough for him then?
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Roffe Posted - 26/06/2012 : 13:40:03
great (:
paulie78 Posted - 26/06/2012 : 10:39:17
Originally posted by Roffe

Originally posted by paulie78

Ive had pinkies turn up half frozen before and figured ahh theyl be ok just bunged em in the freezer come feeding time though once theyve defrosted theyve gone black and goopy yuck and the snakes wouldnt touch them

is it like this? this is one of those pinkies that iv'e thawed. it doesn't smell bad or anything...but i'm not sure, so i thought i'd ask

That looks fine to me the ones id efrosted were completely black wrinkly and goopy nasty dont look anything like that one that looks fine to me
a33272 Posted - 26/06/2012 : 09:38:25
Looks fine to me. Reason its black like that is because the skins so thin you can see the body organs.
Roffe Posted - 25/06/2012 : 22:47:04
Originally posted by paulie78

Ive had pinkies turn up half frozen before and figured ahh theyl be ok just bunged em in the freezer come feeding time though once theyve defrosted theyve gone black and goopy yuck and the snakes wouldnt touch them

is it like this? this is one of those pinkies that iv'e thawed. it doesn't smell bad or anything...but i'm not sure, so i thought i'd ask
Roffe Posted - 25/06/2012 : 22:08:18
yeah, i was kinda disappointed when i saw how small they were (the 3 corns he had for sale). cause when i talked to him before i went visited him, and he told me they were a year old, i was expecting much bigger snakes. he's only 42 cm long
smart bunny Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:59:42
Ah, didn't realise you weren't in the UK!

A year old and only on pinkies? Corno is on smalls now and is only 10 months, I think she went up to double pinks at 4 months and fuzzies by about 5 months! Snakes do grow at different rates though, and if the breeder was deliberately feeding a minimal diet poor Rocky is going to be small :(

I have used this as a guideline (from Okeetee Mick)

Single pinks 6 days Snake = 4-15g
Large pinks (2pink) 7 days Snake = 16-25g
Fuzz (5-6g) 7 days Snake = 26-40g
Small (8-10g) 7 days Snake = 41-80g
Small x 2 (8-10g) 7 days Snake = 80-120g
Mouse (18-20g) 7-14d days Snake = 120+g

It was perfect for Corno, but I feed Ember every 5 days as she is so thin! (Even Ember I'm hoping to move up to fuzzies soon, she had her 1st double pink feed last week). Obviously if they are leaving a big bulge you don't want to move up just yet, but maybe you had particularly large pinks to start with?
Roffe Posted - 25/06/2012 : 19:06:30
Originally posted by smart bunny

Whereabouts are you Roffe? Someone on here may know the area and where to get some? Also it's unlikely you'll get through more than 20 pinks before he's ready for fuzzies I'd have thought so agree it wasn't worth ordering more.

you think so??? and i was thinking about ordering some more...
he is a year old, and the breeder i got him from said that he's been eating pinkies the whole time. but he only fed him once a week so he wouldn't grow so fast. and i was told to feed him every 5 days to make him grow faster (because that's what i want)...that's why i'm in doubt how much longer i should feed him pinkies
well, the pinkies i already had are much bigger, and they left a pretty big bulge. and these 20 i ordered are a lot smaller, so i don't know...i guess i will find out when i feed him with them
Roffe Posted - 25/06/2012 : 18:57:33
i should say that i don't live in the UK, and don't have those stores you've mentioned, here. there are 3 pet stores in my town and none of them sells frozen mice, i have asked them all
they weren't bleeding or pooping. some tails were broken off? as i said, they were still cold. i don't really know exactly how much they were defrosted, i just felt a couple of them and they felt a little squishy, and then threw them in the freezer. well, i will feed my snake a little later and then see how they look and smell when thawed. of course i wont give it to him if they are bad. i still have 3 left from before
smart bunny Posted - 25/06/2012 : 08:06:33
Whereabouts are you Roffe? Someone on here may know the area and where to get some? Also it's unlikely you'll get through more than 20 pinks before he's ready for fuzzies I'd have thought so agree it wasn't worth ordering more.
Sta~ple Posted - 24/06/2012 : 11:15:44
I refreeze, depends how much they thawed, buying small and little quanities online means the more lilely hood of defrosting. I buy like 100 mice of all different sizes and they are always slightly desfrosted but its no problem, had a single pack of 25 small mice and they were defrosted, cold but not unusable. If they have defrosted to the point they smell, bleeding out their nose/ears or pooping then I wouldn't use them.

I'd get the yellow pages out and ring pet shops or do some goggling for some shops near you, pets at home, perky pets and other unlikely shops can sell them. Either that or try and find soemone who lives near you and you can put an order online with them. Some nice shops deliver frozen food and live food.
a33272 Posted - 23/06/2012 : 23:07:42
The general rule I've noticed on most of the frozen food supplies is if they have started to bleed from the nose then they have de frosted to much. I've seen that on frozen rep food sites an general rep sites.
kdlang Posted - 23/06/2012 : 19:53:25
Yeah I can imagine it is really difficult if you have nowhere to buy them. I may be stating the obvious but have you tried phoning all your local pet shops. I have 2 near me that sell frozen rodents even though they don't sell reptiles. Also pets at home can do them. Failing that, have a look on facebook for any local reptile groups. You may find someone on there who orders in bulk who wouldn't mind adding what you need to their order or find a reptile meet where they sell pre ordered mice.

If you do have to keep ordering online, make sure they use dry ice and pick the fastest service you can.
Roffe Posted - 23/06/2012 : 19:14:10
the thing is, there is not shops around here that sells them (if there were, i would buy them there). so i HAVE to buy them online. and the reason why i didn't order more was because i do not know for how long my snake will eat pinkies before moving up to fuzzies. i simply don't know how fast he's growing. i am still so new at this (he's my first snake ever), i keep messing up :/
i did not know that it had anything to do with how many i ordered. but that's what they told me too, the place i bought them from....after i contacted them after i had received the pinkies
kdlang Posted - 23/06/2012 : 13:59:55
The problem with just ordering pinkies online is that there is just not enough of them to keep them cold unless they are packed with dryice too. I usually order loads of mice in 1 go of all sizes and haven't had any problems with defrosting because the bigger ones help to keep the little ones frozen. I would check online what they say about recommended minimum orders and would certainly see about having dryice included. Is it really economical for you to be ordering 20 pinkies at a time online as I imagine the postage will push the cost way past what you would pay in a shop.
Roffe Posted - 23/06/2012 : 13:40:34
well, i contacted them and they said that it doesn't matter that they have been defrosted...? and if i order some again some other time, they will enclose 20 pinkies for free (the amount i bought this time)
paulie78 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 13:30:10
Ive had pinkies turn up half frozen before and figured ahh theyl be ok just bunged em in the freezer come feeding time though once theyve defrosted theyve gone black and goopy yuck and the snakes wouldnt touch them i really would just ask for replacements you dont want to go giving your snake bad mice
Georgina Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:36:01
They should have reached you frozen. As long as they havnt gone above 5 degrees you should be ok. I would check the online policy and make sure what is says x
paulie78 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 11:48:18
i personally wouldnt refreeze them id ring the company u bought them from and demand replacements as for wether to feed two feed one if theres no visible feeding bump defrost another :-)

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