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 snake poop fun..or not

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Roffe Posted - 21/06/2012 : 20:48:22
snake poop fun..or not. my brother was just here, and i took rocky out, and after a while he pooped all over my hand and my brothers pants, and some landed on the floor too. he washed and washed those pants, the smell would not go away. then he sprayed deodorant on it. my deodorant. his pants still stinks. omg it was so funny, yet so disgusting. my brother now stinks of snake poo and woman's deodorant. i couldn't stop laughing
holy ****, i never thought that poo could smell so bad
i've washed my hands at least 5 times. thank goodness my hand doesn't smell
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Roffe Posted - 23/06/2012 : 23:01:55
Originally posted by ted89

I felt the same way with my first hatchling, but i think maybe the movement can encourage more bowel movement, dont take my word for it thought im no expert :P

i hope mine grows out of it
Roffe Posted - 23/06/2012 : 23:01:23
Originally posted by ted89

I felt the same way with my first hatchling, but i think maybe the movement can encourage more bowel movement, dont take my word for it thought im no expert :P

makes sense
Red123 Posted - 23/06/2012 : 15:13:39
My Keith was a horror for pooping out of his viv. He wouldn't go in his viv. He would go weeks without pooping and he would get a huge bulge. I use to have to get him out and let his bum sit on kitchen towel until he had been, you could almost see a look of relief on his face. He does seem to have out grown this now, though it has taken nearly two years.
ted89 Posted - 23/06/2012 : 14:20:33
I felt the same way with my first hatchling, but i think maybe the movement can encourage more bowel movement, dont take my word for it thought im no expert :P
Roffe Posted - 23/06/2012 : 13:56:39
so i had him out last night and had him on a towel and he pooped on that. good thing i was prepared. but it made me wonder, how come they poop when they're outside their terrarium, instead of inside it? i'm just wondering if there's a reason they do it...
coxymk2 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 19:25:14
Just wait for the after shed poop that can down an elephant having been well fermented lol
Roffe Posted - 22/06/2012 : 13:21:21
well, i've not had my snake for very long..i've only fed him twice, and the first time he pooped once after he's been fed, and i fed him for the 2nd time on tuesday, so i don't know if he was just due to poop when i got him out yesterday...but i will take him out tonight and see what happens lol
lupi lou Posted - 22/06/2012 : 13:08:52
8 only poops bout once a week, jinx on the other hand is a right poo monster almost every day this week i've had to spot clean him!! how i've not been poo'd on yet i don't know :-p
Roffe Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:52:01
Originally posted by adamczuk

Every time I pick sonny up he decides to let a wee prize go! Lol. I'm happy as long as he's going he's healthy! Lol

EVERY time? i thought they only pooped once after they've been fed
Roffe Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:51:11
Originally posted by Red123

Hah Hah, I've had poop down my shoulder and down my front, all over the floor and in my other halfs coffee cup, and like you say it smells real bad. Would love to have seen your brothers face :)

it was priceless. i'm pretty sure i looked funny too
smart bunny Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:25:22
Lol so funny!
adamczuk Posted - 21/06/2012 : 21:35:26
Every time I pick sonny up he decides to let a wee prize go! Lol. I'm happy as long as he's going he's healthy! Lol
Red123 Posted - 21/06/2012 : 20:52:26
Hah Hah, I've had poop down my shoulder and down my front, all over the floor and in my other halfs coffee cup, and like you say it smells real bad. Would love to have seen your brothers face :)

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