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 Picking up a new corn this weekend!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oakleyman18 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 16:44:51
I don't usually get this excited, but I'm travelling to see AdsClarke this weekend of ProCorns fame, and I'm picking up a Caramel Stripe het amel boy, and I can't wait! Ever since Camo passed last Sept, I've been looking for a new adult, and have decided to take a leap! He doesn't line up perfectly with my little girl Amber( Normal Stripe het Lavender Amel Hypo), but their babies will be:

3 / 4 Stripe het Caramel 66% poss het. Amel 50% poss het. Lavender, Hypo
1 / 4 Amel, Stripe het Caramel 50% poss het. Lavender, Hypo

I probably won't line them up, will look for another girl to give me butter stripes amongst other things, but to be honest, another handleable snakie will be welcomed! Pics will go up on Sunday!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oakleyman18 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 21:40:22
True, but I really like the idea of "lucky dip" scenarios, so an Amel Stripe het Caramel would give four 1/4 outcomes for Normal Stripes, Amel Stripes, Caramel Stripes, and Butter stripes... Exciting
paulie78 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 18:50:17
you could just buy a Butter het stripe or a butter stripe would be about the same as another caramel id have thought
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/06/2012 : 18:28:10
yep, look forward to pics
lupi lou Posted - 20/06/2012 : 17:50:26
oooh look forward to pics!!!
oakleyman18 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 16:47:06
In fact if anyone's selling an Amel Stripe het Caramel female that'd be ACE.

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