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 woops kinda got a slightly unplanned new addition

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lozzy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 15:42:46
So went to the local reptile shop today to just see a friend and possibly have a look at a little albino they had going cheap, well we got there and the lil girl had already been sold so said 'friend' shows me a 7 month old ultramel anery with various hets I can't remember now but more to the point what do I do... I fall in love with the fiesty little fellow and at nearly double what I was even thinking of spending, love did not come cheap! I've got a pic ill try post on this thread when I get a sec but I def didn't do well considering I'm picking up a hypo lavender on sat and that was her rub I just put todays purchase happy but expensive woopsie! Thank god I have a generous OH too!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lozzy Posted - 21/06/2012 : 16:41:59
Thanks everyone really am pleased with him even if he has tried to take a chunk out my thumb this morning lol
MissSnakeHandler Posted - 21/06/2012 : 16:10:30
sooo cute and lovely colourings!! if you was to breed i would def have a hatchie!! lol

i dont think i would be able to resist him either hes stunning! :D

smart bunny Posted - 21/06/2012 : 14:53:51
Aww he's totally gorgeous!
Hissyfit Posted - 21/06/2012 : 14:15:04
He's lovely! What a brilliant head marking he has
Lozzy Posted - 21/06/2012 : 00:28:37
Thanks kdlang had done a little research and and you just cleared it up and thanks I will make sure if I do breed I tell all potential buyers and obv I am biased but isn't he just a lil stunner ;)
kdlang Posted - 21/06/2012 : 00:08:47
Wow he is gorgeous. I'm not surprised that you couldn't resist.

A hybrid is one kind of snake crossed wth another. Ultra's are corns crossed with rat snakes. In order to try to preserve true corn lines it is important to let people know that the babies are hybrids. That way they can make an informed decision about what they want. Personally I think ultras are gorgeous.
Lozzy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 23:55:03
Thank you, Ye that was the tub we got him in he is in a nice safely filed rub now :)
Donnie Posted - 20/06/2012 : 23:39:48
He looks great
just make sure those air holes that have been put into your tub are not sharp on the inside
Lozzy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 23:28:45
So finally managed to upload the picture, here is my new little man...
Name suggestions welcome :)

Donnie Posted - 20/06/2012 : 19:42:35
Some people don't mind hybrids others don't like them. If you do decide to breed just make sure you tell people about the babies being hybrid so if they decide to breed then they know as well. Some people are trying to keep the corn bloodlines pure but in nature they will have/do interbreed and somebody could have caught a wild hybrid and not have known about it and then bred it into corn lines so it is hard to know really where it has happened.
Lozzy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 18:47:54
And kdlang very new to all the breeding stuff and am considering it when they are fully grown but I'm guessing a hybrid is good? Sorry if a slightly silly question :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/06/2012 : 18:26:42
lol typical!
Lozzy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 18:20:26
Thanks everyone I'm trying to upload a photo now but I'm on my phone nd its very very slow atm but overall very happy he has
been out and about on a proper little explore and has gone to hide now but he seems to be a right little character and gives an awsome tail rattle:)
lupi lou Posted - 20/06/2012 : 17:49:05
haha another pet shop victim!! can't wait to see pics
kev 5 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 17:46:54
excellent, look forward to seeing pics
kdlang Posted - 20/06/2012 : 17:43:22
It was fated to be. And you must never go against the fates lol. Just a little note tho that if you are ever thinking of breeding from him that anything with ultra in is considered a hybrid.
smart bunny Posted - 20/06/2012 : 16:15:22
Lol, better get another rub asap then! :p

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