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 Kuwa Branches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
serena_08 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 21:27:59
I picked some up for 20p from the car boot, for the fauns and viv. I tried to research if they were safe, but can find nothing! Is anyone able to help me?

Just so you know, Kuwa branches are those dried long bendy decorative things you put in vases to look all modern and shizznit :)
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
serena_08 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 09:58:00
Thank you :)
Callazagy Posted - 20/06/2012 : 01:08:20
The only link I can find is to a Japanese plant called Morus bombycis or the chinese version Morus australis, both are Morus genus which is Mulberry, as wood from fruit trees is generally safe it should be fine. And as these decorations are of chinese origin id guess its likly this is the wood used, they are usually dried and bleached.
serena_08 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 23:48:41
It's not on any lists, and if you put it into google only the decoration comes up... I haven't treated it yet, but assume that for it to be used as decor in the home it'll be treated anyway? It won't fit in the oven unless I cut it down :( (which I really don't wanna do lol)

And glad that everything has gone okay :)
QueenVic Posted - 19/06/2012 : 23:22:29

Thats the sticky about toxic plants, worth a glance
Figs Posted - 19/06/2012 : 23:20:35
My beauty snakes and geckos have been using these for a fair while so i certainly hope they are safe lmao!
I've seen/read nothing about toxicity and havent noticed any problems at all with mine
QueenVic Posted - 19/06/2012 : 23:17:23
I cant see why they wouldnt be, but maybe stick them in the oven for half hour at about 80 - 100, just to be safe?

Then again it depends what wood they are made from, as some aren't safe for snakes. I think there's a thread about which aren't suitable.

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