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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red123 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 17:47:29
Well I have just had an email confirming that my new stack should be finished this weekend. This is a triple this time to add to the two doubles I recetly had built and to add to the singles I have. This means once again I will have two 2ft x 18" vivs empty and 30" x 15". Oooo the possibilities........
I really must stop asking Terry to make me more vivs, not that he is complaining lol.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hissyfit Posted - 20/06/2012 : 17:53:16
Yes his vivs are great, and weigh a ton lol. Next time I get a stack made I'll ask him to take it upstairs for me, you should have seen me and my 14 yr old trying to move the stack up, it was like Laurel & Hardy
Red123 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 15:52:49
Originally posted by smart bunny

Lol! Who makes your stacks Red? Is it a carpenter you know or something?

He lives just up the road from me. I first bought vivs off him when he advertised them on RFUK. I was so impressed with them that he has been making them for me ever since. He does it as a hobby in his spare time and will make just about any size you want other than 6fts.

Originally posted by Red123

[quote]Originally posted by Hissyfit

Is it Terry Stopher who's making them? Just wondering if it's the same 'Terry' that made my stack It would be such waste to have an empty viv, I agree with that

Yes it certainly is the same Terry. I always say to him thats it, no more vivs, and within a month I am asking him to make another lol. His vivs really are good though. I know he was hoping his hognose would breed this year so if they do maybe I should have one of them for the empty viv
Red123 Posted - 20/06/2012 : 15:47:24
Originally posted by Hissyfit

Is it Terry Stopher who's making them? Just wondering if it's the same 'Terry' that made my stack It would be such waste to have an empty viv, I agree with that

Yes it certainly is the same Terry. I always say to him thats it, no more vivs, and within a month I am asking him to make another lol. His vivs really are good though. I know he was hoping his hognose would breed this year so if they do maybe I should have one of them for the empty viv
Hissyfit Posted - 20/06/2012 : 14:40:06
Is it Terry Stopher who's making them? Just wondering if it's the same 'Terry' that made my stack It would be such waste to have an empty viv, I agree with that
smart bunny Posted - 20/06/2012 : 10:35:41
Lol! Who makes your stacks Red? Is it a carpenter you know or something?
Red123 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 21:37:25
My thoughts exactly
lupi lou Posted - 19/06/2012 : 20:55:58
be a waste to leave them empty
Red123 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 19:18:29
The new stack will house some of my snakes that I have already. They are moving into larger vivs. Having some smaller empty vivs is a perfect excuse for getting more snakes or lizards Would you agree?
343guiltyspark Posted - 19/06/2012 : 18:32:03
Are you getting some new snakes then?

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