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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cazzy Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:42:39
this may sound like a rather strange topic or thing to ask but i was wondering where people got the wood from that they put in their vivs? i have been to many different pet shops to look for wood that goes into vivs but i have found it so expensive! so was wondering if there was anything cheap or other ways around it? i dont really want to be paying £10+ for a peice of wood as nice as they look!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paulie78 Posted - 05/06/2012 : 23:33:32
look on the fb for sale groups for anyone downsizing their fishtanks and flogging their bogwood i use in in my setups and the snakes love it
Cazzy Posted - 05/06/2012 : 22:06:09
Originally posted by a2c7

Cazzy, there is a list of safe woods somewhere in the DIY section right now I believe. You've got to watch out for pine in particular, while in the wild snakies would be fine with pine in such small areas the toxins produced are deadly to them.

Have a rummage around the DIY section, I'm sure I linked to the safe list recently.

thanks i shall have a look, i did have a brief flick in there to see if there was any other posts about it but shall go back and have a look!
a2c7 Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:57:38
Cazzy, there is a list of safe woods somewhere in the DIY section right now I believe. You've got to watch out for pine in particular, while in the wild snakies would be fine with pine in such small areas the toxins produced are deadly to them.

Have a rummage around the DIY section, I'm sure I linked to the safe list recently.
Cazzy Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:48:02
Thanks! i shall have to go for a walk and find some peices!
ScalySituation Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:46:16
strip the bark off and give the thing a good bleach and rinse, then if it'll fit whack it in the oven for an hour or so
Cazzy Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:45:07
see where i live im surounded by woods, but would there be bugs and harmfull stuff on it?
ScalySituation Posted - 05/06/2012 : 21:43:28
Go for a walk in the woods :)

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