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 Defrosting and refreezing fuzzies

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Corns7 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 11:53:35
Hi, does it matter if I defrost a fuzzie and then refreeze them and defrost it again to give it my corn? Thanks
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Corns7 Posted - 04/06/2012 : 20:17:06
Thanks for all the responses.
a33272 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 20:21:54
I used to refreeze when my jcp didn't eat, never caused anynproblems. Snakes stomachs are designed differance to ours so can handle stuff better.

The refreeze a defrosted chicken isn't the best example. We don't eat raw chicken full stop as it will put use most likely in hospital, yet a snake can eat a chick.....
lotabob Posted - 03/06/2012 : 16:49:28
There is no real risk in refreezing. They swallow food whole so dont really care it the meat texture is not as it would be fresh, the loss of nutritional value is very small too.

I dont refreee food for one reason only. It weakens the flesh and all my snakes apart from the Royal are monster constrictors and I hate the smell and mess of a burst mouse or rat.
Georgina Posted - 03/06/2012 : 13:48:00
Freezing breaks down the protien in the muscles the first time round, although you can refreeze in thorey the nutritional value will be less. As long as it hasn't gone over 5 degreed bacteria should be kept mostly at bay as freezing will not kill them just make them lay dorment. Its another choice thing :) x
Sta~ple Posted - 03/06/2012 : 13:10:57
I refreeze if I have thawed naturally and my snakes are fine with it. I just don't re-freeze if I haved thawed using water as they tend to be soggy and smelly after thawing that way.
Donnie Posted - 03/06/2012 : 11:56:52
Don't think you should re-freeze anything. I would not just to be safe.

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