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 2nd swindon reptile meet

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chrisc Posted - 02/06/2012 : 23:58:39
as the title says so better share the photos.
richard v(from TRP) popped along with bert the burmese an his lovely little torts, was good to put a face to the name.
henry the burm

ali g the caiman

the other half with ivan

not a great pic but an awesome white lipped python

richard v's tiny torts

and richard v's burm bert

another great turn out an we raised some funds for swindon reptile rescue
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paulie78 Posted - 05/06/2012 : 00:02:26
Originally posted by a2c7

That's some good parenting right there nusnakemum :)

paulie - meeting your lot would be awesome, unfortunately I couldn't vouch for you not being savaged if you met our three. Our version of your Irwin (Ginn) is quite ferocious!

Lol all my lot are soft as puppys and pretty bombproof even 3 year old kids will handle irwin lol scariest beast in my flats the bloody huge oscar in the bedroom pmsl i dont think i can list contact details openly on here but if you go on my website all my contact details are on there and we can sort out a meeting if u wanted lol
a2c7 Posted - 04/06/2012 : 23:19:51
That's some good parenting right there nusnakemum :)

paulie - meeting your lot would be awesome, unfortunately I couldn't vouch for you not being savaged if you met our three. Our version of your Irwin (Ginn) is quite ferocious!
nusnakemum Posted - 04/06/2012 : 19:53:16

Nice to see the adult standing behind the kid holding Bert, obviously keeping an eye on things even with such a tame beast.
This is my lad, both of my boys got to cuddle loads of animals, including the baby chameleons and everyone was brilliant, we all had a great time !
paulie78 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 14:59:22
Originally posted by a2c7

I'd do the same, being in Taunton as well! We can always take our snakes (when adult) along to the Monkton Elm handling days as well. I've made the odd new scaled friend there, I did have a flyer about when their next one was, think they're like the first Saturday of each month? Don't quote me on that!

If youd like to come meet my lot sometime ur more than welcome lol
a2c7 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 12:24:41
I'd do the same, being in Taunton as well! We can always take our snakes (when adult) along to the Monkton Elm handling days as well. I've made the odd new scaled friend there, I did have a flyer about when their next one was, think they're like the first Saturday of each month? Don't quote me on that!
paulie78 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 11:50:05
Originally posted by Spreebok

Hhaa, poor Ali G and his taped up gob lol! Lovely shots though, wish we had reptile meets in exeter!

When you say local shop do you mean exeter exotics ? id love to attend local reptile meets and exeters easy enough to get you from here im in taunton be awesome if exeter exotics got on board and organised something
a2c7 Posted - 03/06/2012 : 11:24:33
Wow, wish I'd been there, looks great.
Ali G is totally giving the camera a look of "just give me one chance and I'll savage the lot of you for putting this tape around my mouth!" So cute, poor little thing.

Nice to see the adult standing behind the kid holding Bert, obviously keeping an eye on things even with such a tame beast.
chrisc Posted - 03/06/2012 : 00:21:14
im sure you will be amazed at how many reptile keepers are local to you. theres over 200 on my reptile for sale group now only knew of a few when i started it
Spreebok Posted - 03/06/2012 : 00:16:31
Yeah, I understand why, he just doesn't look impressed lol!

Hmmm, I might mention it to my local shop, they're always interested in doing community stuff with reptiles :)
chrisc Posted - 03/06/2012 : 00:04:54
he was extremly tame but was taped just to be safe, he did throw a hissy fit when i first held him an scratched my arm up a bit.
i setup a fb reptiles for sale group then made a reptile meet group found a venue an went from there, if you can get enough interest in your local area its worth doing
Spreebok Posted - 03/06/2012 : 00:01:23
Hhaa, poor Ali G and his taped up gob lol! Lovely shots though, wish we had reptile meets in exeter!

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