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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Redshift Spec Posted - 24/04/2012 : 18:34:11
Got a bit of sad news.

I moved house over the weekend and got my two boys in their vivs in the house. Somehow during the move a hole was made in Freds viv and last night he slipped through it. I've laid traps and now I have to wait. Searched high and low but no joy. Going to pour flour on the floor tonight and hope to see some movement.

Though on a plus side, I'm off to pick up Flick the Boa on Thursday :/
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Redshift Spec Posted - 04/06/2012 : 12:33:53
No joy with traps last time I tried, handed out a load of leaflets in the area. Now all I can do is wait and hope he turns up again. I'll leave it a few more days and perhaps try again.
Ethancol Posted - 03/06/2012 : 13:07:48
That's really unfortunate I hope you find him :(

Still better he was released than some drunk thinking he was part of a weird ritualized initiation drink.
343guiltyspark Posted - 01/06/2012 : 16:24:39
I would think it is kind of obvious because his coulor is not the sort a wild snake would have and in the picture he seems to be acting freindly which is not what a wild snake would do. I hope you find him. You could put up posters around the place he was seen.
scottishbluebird Posted - 30/05/2012 : 00:30:22
Originally posted by Dancross0

Great clubbing pic! It must give you hope of finding him again.

And remember, we know about snakes and such. Calling people stupid because they let an 'unidentified' snake go is a bit snobbish. It's lucky they just didn't shout "SNAKE" and stomp it!

even when i knew nothing about snakes, id have found out about it before i let it go, i would have thought right away it could be a pet even if i was drunk, did the same when i found a ferrer, owner was so glad to get him back
Dancross0 Posted - 29/05/2012 : 19:50:00
Great clubbing pic! It must give you hope of finding him again.

And remember, we know about snakes and such. Calling people stupid because they let an 'unidentified' snake go is a bit snobbish. It's lucky they just didn't shout "SNAKE" and stomp it!
lupi lou Posted - 29/05/2012 : 19:26:51
bloody drunken fools!!! hope you do find him, maybe you should play some club music....
a2c7 Posted - 29/05/2012 : 19:21:10
Good luck, at least you know he's alive. I'll be sending snake finding thoughts on your direction.
ScalySituation Posted - 29/05/2012 : 18:56:03
what a load of plebs :S

hope the traps work
Donnie Posted - 29/05/2012 : 18:54:32
Did not know corn snakes were indigenous to the UK!!! Cannot believe they released it, hopefully you will be successful with your traps.
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/05/2012 : 16:19:53
What bloody idiots, agree with the poster idea, make sure in big letters NOT DANGEROUS!
Hissyfit Posted - 29/05/2012 : 14:00:07
It might be worth putting some posters up in your area saying he's lost and offering a reward for his return. Also contact your local RSPCA to let them know he's missing in case someone hands him in. It's so sad that you came that close to getting him home.
Redshift Spec Posted - 29/05/2012 : 10:55:13
Yeah. Though I do find it funny that my pervert of a snake (likes watching girls changing clothes) found his way into a night club and was partying with girls!
Hissyfit Posted - 29/05/2012 : 10:53:12
I'm so sorry, that's really awful! What idiot would think he was a wild snake Best of luck finding him, hopefully someone with some sense might pick him up and do the right thing this time if you don't get hold of him yourself.
Redshift Spec Posted - 29/05/2012 : 10:26:45
I don't know :/ I just don't know how to catch him now. Where they let him go there is loads of long grass etc so no chance of visually finding him. Going to go and buy a load of pinkies and lay like 10 traps tonight
smart bunny Posted - 29/05/2012 : 10:20:01
OMG how the hell could they think he was wild - how many bright yellow snakes have they seen in their gardens???? What total idiots! So sorry, I hope you find him - hopefully the weather is as warm where you are as it has been here and he'll be OK - at least you know he is still around somewhere!!
Redshift Spec Posted - 29/05/2012 : 10:14:08
Got some good news and bad news. Last night a friend of mine messaged me on facebook saying that there has been a snake sighting in the night club downstairs. I rushed downstairs to the club and spoke to the bouncer. Two hours before Fred was released outside because they thought he was wild :( I looked around where they left him and put down bottle traps but no joy :(..... On a lighter note my snake has been partying. This photo appeared on Facebook this morning.

Oleary1982 Posted - 05/05/2012 : 16:52:07
Have u found him yet? My Amber has gone on a wonder again,
Redshift Spec Posted - 29/04/2012 : 15:31:03
I'm saving my dr pepper bottles up. I'll try it again towards the end of next week. I've got his Viv (now hole free) ready and waiting for his return. I'm not ready to empty it out!
343guiltyspark Posted - 29/04/2012 : 15:19:27
you could put some hides around your house and check on them a couple of times a day. he might want to go in.
a2c7 Posted - 29/04/2012 : 13:14:47
All the threads I've read about escapees and bottle traps say try them every few days. Littleuns seem to have a habit of turning up many months later, so I would suggest you keep a spare rub around (or something that can be used as one) just in case he does put in a show.

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