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 I picked up the big snake :) YAY

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
carlycorn Posted - 04/11/2011 : 08:52:09
Well 7 days alone, fed on Monday...and after a few days of hide checking i decided to pick my corn up. There was also a distinct lack of snake poo for having it almost 2 weeks. Looked so small curled up, and ive been so used to holding my baby royal...

I picked it up and it uncurled itself like a thick lassoo and then went nuts at me, ive never seen it move so hands were very dusty and i noticed on the carpet there was some white powdery stuff...but i just couldn't keep up with how quickly it was moving...let alone get a picture...

Of course I thought, she needed to poop so I put her home...

So no pictures :( and I woke up to find a present in her viv, snake poop stinx!

Also mental note to self, dont sit in swivel chair with big snake, has open armrests and takes a good 10 minutes to unwind it from the rests :)

So I braved picking the beast up, admittedly I was nervous, seems the tag I got from the baby last w/e jilted me a little, but now i got her out once, the next time will be much easier :)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LittlestarRed Posted - 04/11/2011 : 09:54:15
Well done! :)
You gotta be brave, I know it's hard sometimes but mutual trust has to be built up from somewhere! LOL at the swivel chair thing, yep we learn quickly that snakeys like to get into awkward positions (my corn frequently makes a dive for the back of the sofa and my Royal sticks his in head into small gaps and clings on! LOL)
Corns are SO quick at times, especially when you compare them to Royals! You get used to it though and they slow down as bit when they are calmer (Nagini has anyway).
So congrats on the first pain free handling, may you have many,many more!! :)
Mort13 Posted - 04/11/2011 : 09:51:24
Well done on picking her up. It will get easier.
The white dusty stuff may well have been urates I'm sorry to say!

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