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 Bookcase RUB rack/vivs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red123 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 16:03:43
I seem to remember someone posting pics of a 2 bookcases put together and used fo either a rack or vivs can't remenber and can't remember if it was on here. Have searched but its like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Anyone point me in the right direction?
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Red123 Posted - 04/11/2011 : 12:43:00
Ooooo you have a good memory, thanks for that.
lotabob Posted - 03/11/2011 : 22:02:51
It was MRSA32 I think, 2 Argos bookshelves fastened together to make a rack.
Red123 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 20:53:16
And so the search continues.....
ptmbradley Posted - 03/11/2011 : 20:46:50
I remember the thread you're on about, but can't think who/when either. So this is a completely pointless post then coz I can't help! lol

All I know is it must have been April onwards. And probably April/May poss June, coz that was when I was most active on this forum...
mkmattyk Posted - 03/11/2011 : 17:53:55
heres a link
mkmattyk Posted - 03/11/2011 : 17:47:10
i use the besta brand of bookcases from ikea the smallest is 20quid, and there well made and a decent depth aswell, TBH i get most of my snake stuff from ikea, there a LED strip thingy that you plug in that around a tenner aswell
Red123 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 17:33:21
Originally posted by Simmy_82 - That one?

EDIT: Or this pic -

No neither of those. I have a feeling it was made from two extra deep bookcases. You leave the back off one and stand them in front of each other and join them. It would have been posted some time ago.

Thanks for trying to help though
Simmy_82 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 16:19:34 - That one?

EDIT: Or this pic -

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