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 Hypo Amel and Amel

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Red123 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:34:32
Could someone please describe the differences between the two. I have looked at photos and to me they look the same. Maybe I am missing something obvious though

Thank You.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mamma Posted - 02/11/2011 : 20:38:32
Originally posted by Red123

Oh right. So i guess you can't be sure until the snake matures then. So if someone was selling a hatchling as a hypo amel you may just end with a regular amel?

most decent breeders would tell you its amel POSS hypo amel xx
Red123 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 20:27:24
Oh right. So i guess you can't be sure until the snake matures then. So if someone was selling a hatchling as a hypo amel you may just end with a regular amel?
eeji Posted - 02/11/2011 : 18:43:57
its pretty much impossible to tell because hypo reduces black but amel totally removes it.
Red123 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:51:22
Cool, was just wondering, Thanks Simmy
Simmy_82 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:48:34
They have more white bits in and more orange than Hypo Amels. Hypos are birghter red and have little to no white i think. Thats prob best way to do it. base it on both the first adult pics thats the difference. The other photos i believe are submitted by users and may be submitted to the wrong section?
Red123 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:45:36
The top ones do yes. Scrolling down the page though on the amels and there are some that look the same as the hypo amel. And the month olds to me look very alike. Just wondering if there is some way of telling them apart if you have not got photos to hand.

A hypo corn snake has a greatly reduced amount of black. So what is reduced in the amels? Or am I being a total numpty.
Simmy_82 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:39:57
Hypo Amel -

Amel -

Both adults look different to me?

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