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 Got my snake back again!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
polarchick Posted - 01/11/2011 : 21:09:22

Well I hadn't realised how traumatic the shedding process can be, even when it goes perfectly!

Hygge seemed quite subdued at the beginning of last week and I initially put it down to recovering from his long day at the reptile show the previous day - but then noticed that his belly scales had turned grey and realised that he was going into blue. Well, gone was my usually perky inquisitive snake and in his place was a shy jumpy fellow who just stayed in his hide the whole time (apart from wolfing down two pinkes I offered him to see whether he would take them!). So I have pretty much left him be for the past week, only interrupted when my mother in law brought my husband's great aunt round especially to meet "Cougar" as they call him (and he wasn't at his best - very dull and blue!). He went clear again a couple of days ago and was a bit perkier but still not leaving his hide.

Well I have just checked on him, and he has done a lovely perfect shed (eyecaps, tail tip and all), and very thoughtfully did his poo well away from the shed. He is looking lovely and bright, and best of all is back out and about exploring his faunarium I've missed him!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 11:43:31
Glad he shed well. You don't half miss the mischievous ones when they are in shed don't you.
garrie Posted - 02/11/2011 : 10:58:09
Yay , glad to hear all is well and you got a perfect shed
Hissyfit Posted - 02/11/2011 : 10:28:25
I always panic when they change their routine, and it's a relief to find them blue! Glad the shed went well I'm panicking at the moment with Voldemort, he's been blue & cleared and waiting for his first shed in his new viv.
Mamma Posted - 02/11/2011 : 08:42:42
glad the shed went well!
Kez Posted - 01/11/2011 : 21:36:14
Awww, bless him. Glad he had a good shed and is back to his normal, inquisitive self. Good ole Hygge eh

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