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 For a minute, my heart was pounding

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garrie Posted - 31/10/2011 : 22:26:40
Did the usual when i got home...ignored the OH and went straight up to the snake viv. Opened it, checked for poop and then checked for AURYN and he was absolutely nowhere to be seen, not in any of his usual places!! I panicked like anything and I could literally feel my heart that point I started rifling through the substrate (quite a thick layer at the cool end and THANK **** he was curled up nicely right at the bottom of the viv! I have never yet seen him under it - and there was no "tunnel" to be found - HUGE sigh of relief.

I "think" he might be on his way into go into blue..which i guess could be why he was hidden away so well?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 11:39:45
Hee,hee little tinker him! Got to laugh at the ignoring your other half to check on AURYN straightaway!
garrie Posted - 02/11/2011 : 11:03:21
I definitely think he did it on purpose, sneaky so'n'so. He was back in his usual hide last night...feels a bit "rough" when I got him out last night, so either he has gone through blue n ready to shed or is definately on his way
Hissyfit Posted - 02/11/2011 : 10:32:46
Glad you 'found' him...even though he wasn't lost I've had a few frights like that with little Falco, and a couple with Voldemort, funny how you can't find a big snake in a 2ft area
c00ki3z Posted - 01/11/2011 : 19:51:46
I panic and I just have a few layers of kitchen roll. :P
Good job finding him!
scottishbluebird Posted - 01/11/2011 : 16:18:50
I'd have freaked ot too lol
Aegis Posted - 01/11/2011 : 14:02:53
Aw bless! Its such a panic when you dont see them! Karuza constantly hides under her aspen. She comes out at night then. But i can see tunnels where she burrows so its not so much of a worry....well most of the time anyways! xx
Sta~ple Posted - 01/11/2011 : 08:50:14
Awww bless him haha. Mine have never done that, hide under the substrate apart from this head sticking out watching you!
Casta Posted - 31/10/2011 : 22:46:53
mine did that this morning. i think castas decided that being under her hides makes her too easily found. sneakey snakey trying to give me a heart attack. she was in the same place today. fed her yesterday so i doubt she wanted me to look at her. giving her a weeks break, poor wee things been prodded too much due to another bad shed.

you think they do that on purpose to scare you?

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