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 Very large snake!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newbie Posted - 23/09/2011 : 20:56:11
Got sent this link by a family member today and it made me pause over lunch so thought I'd share!

The snake in the video is 25ft, think she's a retic but not 100% sure. I reckon there may have been a little power-feeding going on here but she may just be a big girl!

(Hope I'm allowed to post links, please remove if not
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kris01 Posted - 24/09/2011 : 18:35:16
the bonus is you wouldnt lose it
huffy_86 Posted - 24/09/2011 : 15:57:00
Jeez!! What would you feed that thing!?! Elephant pinkies!!
sly Posted - 24/09/2011 : 08:12:20
she wont fit in my viv :( lol
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/09/2011 : 02:23:11
[quote]Originally posted by Dancross0

Wow. i wouldn't want to clear up after that!

Thats what i thought lol
bbjay Posted - 23/09/2011 : 23:22:41
Woww thats a big one!!
Dancross0 Posted - 23/09/2011 : 21:15:01
Wow. i wouldn't want to clear up after that!

Few points there; the 'handler' said that cars have 'killed more people than anything else'. They must not know about mosquitos.......
nusnakemum Posted - 23/09/2011 : 21:01:44

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