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Mort13 Posted - 21/09/2011 : 11:35:31
I've just this minute come into the lounge to find Ofelia in the process of shedding!
Thats her second shed with me now,and I've missed the signs each time! I even fed her last night oblivious to the fact,it didn't stop her from her usual strike and constrict either.
She's a crafty girl.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Auld Baldy Posted - 22/09/2011 : 23:19:59
Aw well if it is just the one playing hard to get then a CCTV is the answer.
Mort13 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:37:28
Originally posted by lotabob

You still haven't got a python or a Boa on your list yet, you can't be done until you've got the whole set.

Believe me,I like both. I have to think of holidays though and my family/friends being happy looking after what I have.
DTW Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:28:32
Love boas but honestly don't get the python thing, each to their own and I'm sorta glad in a way that I don't like royals because that really would bankrupt me lol
lotabob Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:26:40
You still haven't got a python or a Boa on your list yet, you can't be done until you've got the whole set.
kris01 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:26:31
my corn sidney is the same i know when she is ready to shed but never catch her in the act just a complete shed in the moning
Mort13 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:13:13
Pmsl!! Its still 11,thats it now.....for this year anyway!
Yep,I know what to look for and I can spot it a mile off with my other snakes,its just Ofelia that throws me. She's got the most beautiful dark eyes and I've not seen them go slightly cloudy lol.
lotabob Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:46:26
You can't tell with some snakes, their normal colouration masks the signs. My Boa doesn't look any different other than going wrinkly around her neck she changes colour a hundred times a day anyway so its impossible to notice. I'm sure with 11 snakes Mort will know what the signs of a shed are, is it still 11 or have you got more this week
Auld Baldy Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:19:40
Mort, you should see the body colours dull down and the eyes take on a definite cloudy blue. After a short period the eyes will go clear and the skin may brighten up a little. Approximately 7 days later the shedding will take place. This can vary up to 10 days and you will have a nice, bright snakey.

I posted these before and after pics of Woody. He did this one in record time and totally fooled me.

Have a look and see what to look out for.

Hissyfit Posted - 22/09/2011 : 19:39:09
I'm sure you're right! Last time he started rubbing his face on my daughter's trouser pocket, she put him in the viv, called me up to see as she thought he was shedding and it was all over by the time I climbed the stairs!
Mort13 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 16:52:05
Originally posted by Auld Baldy

It is usually just down to pure luck and perseverance after the clear following the blue stage. I've caught plenty sheds mid flow but only one from the start ... and my mate came chapping just as I was setting up the camera. Next time!!

Lol,thats the problem. I can't tell when she's in blue!

I think they do it on purpose Hissyfit.
Hissyfit Posted - 21/09/2011 : 14:26:31
I missed Voldemort's second shed last night too! I didn't expect it to happen so quickly, he was blue on Saturday and only clear on Monday...maybe next time I'll be lucky.
Auld Baldy Posted - 21/09/2011 : 13:39:19
It is usually just down to pure luck and perseverance after the clear following the blue stage. I've caught plenty sheds mid flow but only one from the start ... and my mate came chapping just as I was setting up the camera. Next time!!
Mort13 Posted - 21/09/2011 : 11:42:41
I honestly don't think I'll spot it. I just can't seem to see the signs with her!
Auld Baldy Posted - 21/09/2011 : 11:39:46
There's always the next time.

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