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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScalySituation Posted - 19/09/2011 : 20:46:56
hi guys just wondering where your snakes fave spots in there viv/faun/RUB

sonny likes her pot, the wires and being under the aspen lol
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
viraleye Posted - 20/09/2011 : 20:09:43
under my kitchen roll substrate!!
Auld Baldy Posted - 20/09/2011 : 15:18:19
Mirkey's choice is the whisky bottle tube. I've offered him others but he prefers it because he can wedge himself into it and won't budge if he doesn't want to.
Woody's preference is to be coiled up on top of the inverted sea grass basket, up close to the RUB lid.
Taggart is the nomad of the trio and swaps between dangling from the wooden cross bars, resin hide and whisky tube. This is him trying to decide where he will visit next.

I'm such a hero, forcing all that malt whisky down my throat .... just so my pets can have a comfy residence.
If you would like one of these and you don't drink whisky, just send me a full bottle and I will convert the carton into a hide for free. Heck, I won't even charge you for the return postage.

fluffycorn Posted - 20/09/2011 : 13:51:37
Snowy loves going in his toilet roll tube away from sight :)
Spreebok Posted - 20/09/2011 : 13:13:29
Lister is in love with his coconut, which he is sadly growing too big for, but I don't have the heart to remove it!
Rimmer loves to bury himself under the aspen.
Psiren is always in her snake cave.
And Holly just sits where ever his fat butt feels like it :L
garrie Posted - 20/09/2011 : 12:33:14
AURYNs current favourite place is in a cling film tube in roughly the middle of his hide (much thinner than kitchen/toilet roll tubes) - after a meal he doesn't like it quite so much as he can't fold up as much as usual inside it.
EmSquem Posted - 20/09/2011 : 11:05:49
Star loves her branch, and sits there all day with a trailing artificial plant. Eddie likes his plant, too. And my milk, Harry, likes going underneath his beech shavings . . .
ScalySituation Posted - 20/09/2011 : 10:56:07
awwww :)
Mamma Posted - 20/09/2011 : 10:33:01
Griffin is always in his 2 hides. Mim Likes her seed tray. Vedder likes his water bowl. Babe hides under the paper towel. MacBeth likes to nudge his cold hide and hot hide together. Romeo is always playing on his bamboo. Jupiter loves his hollowed out log.
Sta~ple Posted - 20/09/2011 : 09:21:41
King and massive ass lard corn: Out in the open like a boss as hides are uncool.
Char: in the Potatoe
Rattles: In the plants
Enber: clay pipe.
Mort13 Posted - 20/09/2011 : 09:18:32
Falcor is usually curled up in his vine or hidden under his wood with his head stuck out of a hole. Sabai too loves his vine and also his kitchen roll tube. Loki can be anywhere,Flame and Kalypso love their upturned black plastic pudding pots and Ofelia is usually stretched along the back of her tub.
The housies are usually in their hides made from Asda kids beakers.
Petal,my hognose just sleeps wherever she stops bless her. She never hides as she thinks she's hard.
Vader,my MBK is either in his warm end hide or trashing the joint!
jonoandapril Posted - 20/09/2011 : 05:12:13
my amel burrows constantly. it gets a bit of a panic sometimes trying to find her when shes in her little tunnel network!!
lotabob Posted - 19/09/2011 : 22:47:33
Spot really likes his hammock/grass ball thing in the top corner but he does move about between hides and will occasionally surprise me by hiding where I dont think to look, its quite easy to lose a 3 foot snake in a 2 foot box.
paulie78 Posted - 19/09/2011 : 21:47:38
Eddie will 9 times outta ten be found in his coconut shell at the cool end of the viv lol Eve usually gets inbetween the kitchen roll
tarotpodge Posted - 19/09/2011 : 21:35:13
Phoenix is always on her shelf, Indiana loves her rock hide and Savanna doesn't hide. she lays out in the middle of her faun, on top of her cork or wrapped around her water bowl for all 2 see.
Kehhlyr Posted - 19/09/2011 : 21:26:32
My milk likes to empty his waterbowl, and also hide behind the retic rub.
My kings like any place in their vivs/rubs that they haven't trashed, the challenge is to much for them to resist.
fluffycorn Posted - 19/09/2011 : 20:53:05
fluffy likes his cardbox box that I put in there as a temporary hide
sharon71 Posted - 19/09/2011 : 20:52:43
upside down plant pot with hole or up the top of viv in the artificial plant

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