T O P I C R E V I E W |
SexyBear77 |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 20:58:07 Been messing about on the Corn Calculator for what I hope is my gravid female.
I've given Sitka (hypo stripe) amel and anery hets, nice common ones, and put in Wichita (ghost motley het amel ph caramel)- if I get very very lucky and he does have those hets, which is total guesswork and optimism on my part, then I could get-
Male: Hypo, Stripe het Amel, Anery Female: Ghost, Motley ( Anery, Hypo, Motley ) het Amel, Caramel, Stripe Phenotype: 3 / 16 Hypo, Stripe het Anery 66% poss het. Amel 50% poss het. Caramel 3 / 16 Hypo, Motley het Anery, Stripe 66% poss het. Amel 50% poss het. Caramel 1 / 16 Hypo Amel, Stripe ( Amel, Hypo, Stripe ) het Anery 50% poss het. Caramel 3 / 16 Ghost, Stripe ( Anery, Hypo, Stripe ) 66% poss het. Amel 50% poss het. Caramel 1 / 16 Hypo Amel, Motley ( Amel, Hypo, Motley ) het Anery, Stripe 50% poss het. Caramel 3 / 16 Ghost, Motley ( Anery, Hypo, Motley ) het Stripe 66% poss het. Amel 50% poss het. Caramel 1 / 16 Coral Snow, Stripe ( Amel, Anery, Hypo, Stripe ) 50% poss het. Caramel 1 / 16 Coral Snow, Motley ( Amel, Anery, Hypo, Motley ) het Stripe 50% poss het. Caramel
I've also been messing about with my not so normal normals (the same 5 hets each)........... my word..........  |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Mnementh |
Posted - 31/05/2011 : 11:33:30 Good luck :)
Both mine are possibe het anery and I'm the same with the optimism , I could get lavender ghosts and Coral snow lavenders I believe , but the odds are well out there :P and a 1/128 for a Amel, Anery, Hypo, Lavender het Motley .
Sure would be nice :) |
crazy JJ |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 23:59:45 good luck sb,
dont blame you with the word doc though i did it once then forgot to save it *blonde momment* i then couldnt bebothered to work it all out again :( |
SexyBear77 |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 22:03:54 Cheers guys!
Lou, I've actually got a 5 page word document on pairings and outcomes, I'd loose track otherwise! |
Invalid User |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 21:11:28 Fingers crossed SB. Hope they prove out for you.
I have spent so much time trying to work out what I could get from certain pairings of my corns. It's got so bad I have been dreaming about morphs and hets!! |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 21:04:18 good luck and fingers crossed she maybe has them hets
gmac |
Posted - 30/05/2011 : 21:02:03 very tasty, good luck sexybear. |