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 co habbiting

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n/a Posted - 23/01/2011 : 00:50:05
hi all, i spoke to my local snake shop today and they said that there is no risk in keeping multiple corns in the same viv. as long as they are the same size, lenth and weight so i am looking into getting a snow corn this monday i will however keep a RUB close at hand just in case. but i wanted your opions on co habbiting
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikerichards Posted - 23/01/2011 : 16:07:28
Originally posted by DannyBrown91

Originally posted by baitman

At the end of the day scott, its up to you, you could get another snake and put it with your original snake in the same viv, and the chances are, they would be fine...

The stories and posts regarding the bad side of co-habitting are not a common occurance by any means.
but it only takes once.

The question you need to ask yourself would i feel IF something did happen.??

I disagree. I've read a lot of help posts on this forum because people have followed shop advice, thinking that they were getting good advice, as you would if you didn't know any better, and then a couple of years down the line found out one was gravid, which in turn has caused health problems.

Don't get me wrong this can happen to anyone no matter how old or prepared they are. But it is made a lot worse when the female is young and the owner isn't expecting it.

What are you disagreeing with??? everything he has said is right!!!
the chances are you will be fine, as will the snakes, but, it only takes once to become another statistic.
n/a Posted - 23/01/2011 : 11:53:40
i would be so sad if anything happend to twiglet or another snake due to me co-habbiting them i can afford another set up and that is what we wil do my brother has 3 snakes in viv's on there own and there are all happy and 2 corns co-habbting but they have been together for years and are fully grown
DannyBrown91 Posted - 23/01/2011 : 11:41:22
Originally posted by baitman

At the end of the day scott, its up to you, you could get another snake and put it with your original snake in the same viv, and the chances are, they would be fine...

The stories and posts regarding the bad side of co-habitting are not a common occurance by any means.
but it only takes once.

The question you need to ask yourself would i feel IF something did happen.??

I disagree. I've read a lot of help posts on this forum because people have followed shop advice, thinking that they were getting good advice, as you would if you didn't know any better, and then a couple of years down the line found out one was gravid, which in turn has caused health problems.

Don't get me wrong this can happen to anyone no matter how old or prepared they are. But it is made a lot worse when the female is young and the owner isn't expecting it.
Sta~ple Posted - 23/01/2011 : 10:56:33
Shops aren't always right, they try and sell you stuff that's how they get money. They keep multiple corns in there due to lack of space and the stress often doesn't settle in as they get bought quickly.

The people here aren't taking or trying to get your money. Do you know the cost of going to a vet for a snake? It can be quite expensive and then if you co-hab you may have to double that amount. Besides, if you stack vivs it doesn't take up that much more space.
Invalid User Posted - 23/01/2011 : 10:52:24
As above really, most people will not recommend it but it is up to you.

What I do get the hump with (not saying this is you) is when people want to buy lots of snakes but can't be bothered or can't afford to buy them individual setups so just think what the hell and put a few snakes in the same viv!

baitman Posted - 23/01/2011 : 09:02:18
At the end of the day scott, its up to you, you could get another snake and put it with your original snake in the same viv, and the chances are, they would be fine...

The stories and posts regarding the bad side of co-habitting are not a common occurance by any means.
but it only takes once.

The question you need to ask yourself would i feel IF something did happen.??
n/a Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:41:02
yes i have been reading them and thinking more and more that it is not a good idea but if i am being told by a shop owner and obviosly i do not no. this is why i asked but yes i agree with what has been said in the other threads why take the risk when u can get a fawn pritty cheap
gmac Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:33:58
or you could have tried using the search function, there are so many cohabbing threads to read through one has even been stickied, then you would have expected the replies you have received
n/a Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:24:46
ok didn't expect those sorta reply's i am new so i have to ask or i wont learn
GillyDuncan Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:18:18
Similar sized or not doesn't mean diddly squat.
Pet stores wil say a lot to offload another snake, especially when they want to free up some shelf space for new hatchies that are due in the coming month or so.

That above comes to mind.
Kehhlyr Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:13:24
I have 15 individual vivs in my room, by the shops calculations I could have 225 snakes.
I might well go and spend a couple hundred quid on some more snakes tomoz because If any do eat others, it wont matter because I'll have loads spare.

Just remember that nearly ALL rep shops keep multiple in single vivs purely because it's easier to shift the things and have more stock in a smaller space.
DannyBrown91 Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:11:04
Honestly i would have a read of the thread, from reading it and hearing stories of things that have happened to others and certainly could happen to you, you will realise that there are dangers to cohabiting (particularly young corns) even if they are of equal size and weight.
gmac Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:09:40
he's a snake he doesnt get lonely
n/a Posted - 23/01/2011 : 01:02:51
yes i saw the pic's of what can happen, but my local shop are measuring sexing and weighing twiglet on monday then a sutible viv mate will be found, obviosly the last thing i wont to do is put either snake @ risk. the shop have @ least 15 mixed corns in a single forn and she said that she has never had any problems with co habbiting and showed me several viv's with multiple corns in them. i just worry about twiglet being lonely
Kehhlyr Posted - 23/01/2011 : 00:55:49
Lots of opinions, especially the 14 plus paged thread on it, which is stickied at the top of the forums.

Might be worth directing questions there.

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