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 RUB reluctance.

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Red123 Posted - 21/01/2011 : 09:30:41
I've noticed there is a request in the photos section for RUB set ups and there seems to be a reluctance to post pics of these not only on here but also on other forums. You can get some pics through google but not many. I'm sure that there must be several of you using RUBS not only for hatchlings but also adults and i'm eaqually sure that had the request been for viv set ups there would have been no short fall in pics. So why is there always very few poeple offering to show RUB set ups? after all i'm sure you can be as imaginative with a RUB as you can a viv and they take up less room than a viv.
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Red123 Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:59:29
Thanks eeji just had a look at them :)
eeji Posted - 21/01/2011 : 19:17:54
i'll get my camera out and take some pics of mine for you :)
Red123 Posted - 21/01/2011 : 12:27:21
Mort13, thanks for that link, some nice pics of RUB set ups there.

Louise32, I know you said that you will post RUB pics once your king has settled in and i'm sorry if you feel my comments were directed directly at you i assure you they were not, infact they were not directed at anyone inparticular.

As to making it sound like people have things to hide, I often feel like that when any questions or comments are made about the use of RUBS. There seems to be a reluctance when it comes to RUBS. I'm all for the use of them, I can fit more of them into my home so I can have more snakes
SexyBear77 Posted - 21/01/2011 : 11:55:51
Because sometimes I can't be bothered to go find my camera, pull the tubs out of my rack, annoy the snakes by taking pictures, find the camera cable, upload them to my computer, upload them to Photobucket, resize them and paste them on here....

... all for a picture of a plastic tub with an eggbox lid and a water dish in it.
Invalid User Posted - 21/01/2011 : 10:55:58
I explained why I can't show my rub set up! Don't want to disturb my new King while he's in his 7 day settling in period.

You make it sound like we are all trying to hide something lol

My brb and 2 of my 4 new corns will all be in rubs so once they are all settled I will happily post pics.
Mort13 Posted - 21/01/2011 : 10:10:13
A few people have posted photos of their rub set ups on this thread:

Some brill set ups in the rubs that made me see them in a different light.

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